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Ling Hotshot

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Posts posted by Ling Hotshot

  1. Hello. The owner of The private Estate island of Benares ( Brinda Allen ) has passed away suddenly from liver cancer.

    Before she passed she wanted to set it up with the Linden Lab people to allow me to purchase the island for a $1 L each to keep her dream and passion alive and so not to leave the residences there homeless.

    She took a sudden turn for the worst and was kept on heavy doses of Morphine which kept her from doing as she normally would have .  I do have chat logs with our conversations of her wishes for me to take care of her Estates.  Its not completely necessary for me to own them if I can at least pay the tier and keep it going for as long as I can would be sufficient . She indicated she would leave enough money also to keep it going for at least 3 years,  I know that is not something Linden Labs could help me with  but if somebody could help me to find out when payments are due.. How much is each payment that would help so many of us that reside on Benares

    Please let me know.. My email for my sl account is Ling_chow33@yahoo.com and my sl email is Ling.hotshot.sl@gmail.com

    Thank you for your time.


    Ling Hotshot

    Benares Estates Manager

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