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Jenaia Morane

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Posts posted by Jenaia Morane

  1. The MK era was a dark one for SL, IMHO
    I met him at a conference, eager to talk about  the many and exciting possibilities and he wasn't interested at all.
    SL is STILL groundbreaking - still has so much potential to be at the forefront of and shape the latest Metaverse craze if its owners would only invest.
    It's so frustrating.

  2. That's a good idea Kjartan. I have never done that before but I will try it. Thank you.
    I should add that I am always leery about editing anything because I'm afraid I'll screw it up.
    BUT  everything is fixable, right?


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  3. Hi everyone. I found a Lelutka Evox head I really like (Kaya) but when I add the shape it reduces the size of my avatar in half (I'm wearing  Maitreya's regular Lara body). I don't understand why. This doesn't happen with my other Evox head (Briannon). Any idea how to stop that? I don't want to have to edit my body.

    Anyway, I assumed the solution was to buy a new shape and went looking for both a new skin for the head and shape from one maker that would work.  I found a skin I liked and got the maker's body as well, but HATE the body shape. Also, despite repeated back and forths with the creator they can't seem to resolve the line between the head and body (old familiar issue) even with their neck fixer.

    So I am back to my old dilemma. Why does the shape included with the Kaya head make my avatar a midget? I'd like to just keep my Lara body and the Kaya head without have to go buy a new body shape. Thoughts, suggestions? Many thanks.  

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