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Mrc Homewood

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Posts posted by Mrc Homewood

  1. Ive been having this issue for about 2 days not sure what I goofed on and no one seams to get what is going on. I have a sensor that is creating a list then sending that list to a dialog I keep receiving this error and no one seams to get why, it looks like it is creating a list and it is outputting a list


    [UT] Money Hud (ADD TOP RIGHT) V3 [script:Sensor] Script run-time error
    Lists may not contain lists



    integer debug = FALSE;

    key avKey;

    list ListKey;

    string avName;



    default / state_entry()

    //========================= ===============\\



        sensor(integer iNum)
            integer p = 0;
            for (p = 0; p < iNum; ++p)
                avKey = llDetectedKey(p);
                //ListKey = ListKey + avKey;
                avName = llKey2Name(avKey);
                //ListKey = ListKey + avName;
                ListKey += avName;
                //llOwnerSay("Name Added");
                llDialog(llGetOwner()," ", [ListKey] , -99);
            //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 546,llDumpList2String(ListKey,"-"), "");
            ListKey = [];

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