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Lisa Lowe

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Posts posted by Lisa Lowe

  1. I'm happy to tell I hardly get any complaints about my items or sales (I sitll use unscripted basic vendors that just work). Usually only questions because they do not read the added notecards with tons of instructions. In those cases I take the time,  just invite them over and teach them how to properly fit items. Usually ending up with having new friends also.

    Besides that, afterwards I always give them one or more items for fee also. Next the 'old fashioned' way of selling 'mouth-to-mouth' starts to work. They will tell their friends and before you know it you will have new buying customers. No amount of advertising can beat that!

    In my experience most 'complaining' customers do not care about refunding their money at all. They probably spent way more elsewhere than in your shop. All they want is to be heard and helped in some way that makes them happy in the end. Like many above already stated, good customer service sells. I only have one policy in short: "In case of any problem or question, simply contact me and I will solve your problem. Guaranteed!"

  2. As you may have noticed, you can not return to the original Help Island you started on. A good alternative for this is visiting Help Island Public. You will often find many helpful residents or Second Life Mentors there who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


    How to get there?


    There are two different ways to reach Help Island Public.


    Using your Inventory:

    1. Click on the Inventory button at the bottom right of your Second Life viewer. This will open your Inventory. (alternative: Click View in the menu on top and then select Inventory or press Cntrl+I).
    2. In the white search bar on top type "Help Island Public" and press enter.
    3. You will find a landmark called Help Island Public. Double click on it and choose Teleport in the window that appears.


    Using the World Map:

    1. Click on the Map button at the bottom of your Second Life viewer. This will open the World Map. (alternative: Click View in the menu on top and select World Map or press Ctrl+M).
    2. Type "Help Island Public" into the search bar (left from the Search button on the Map).
    3. Check the search results for "Help Island Public" and click on it. The map should now show you the area.
    4. Click the button Teleport or double click on the map itself to go there instantly.
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