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scyntt Boucher

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Posts posted by scyntt Boucher

  1. I'm in the same boat as OP. Had a payout started in January, got notice to re-verify ID, then talked to Linden on the support ticket. It's now been over five business days since the last update to 'in progress' for the payout to PayPal. First time I've had an issue with payout since my first payout in 2007.

  2. The most common thing along those lines you will find in the marketplace are breast enhancers (adds cleavage depth), and marking for use with adult toys (think whip marks). Although I've never seen anything that adds wrinkles or the like.

    My suggestion to you would be to make your own. Or to try searching for one keyword in the tattoo category with out the word "skin"

  3. Ok let's trubleshoot...

    1) Does the dress look like a dress?
    2) When you attach the dress to the av does it form to the av, or does it stay big/small?

    If the dress looks like a dress, and doesn't form to the av, then you forgot to check the bone weight box on tap 3 when uploading.

    If the dress doesn't look like a dress, then something went wrong with the .dea export, or you're not on a viewer that can see mesh.

    If the dress looks like a dress, and forms to the av but doesn't move. Then check if you gave the mesh any weight in blender.

  4. Off the top of my head guess..

    It's because you came up with your own bone rigging that isn't the standered SL avatar bones. Sadly, SL doesn't like custom bones at this time. (Although LL says it will be coming "soon")

    Your lion looks good though. :)

    A work around would be to rig the lion to the standered av bones, with a bit of a deform. Then create animations for the lion with the normal av. A lot more work, yes. But you're getting the same end result (more or less).

  5. Another tick to consider would be to make sure the top, bottom, and inner ring faces are pointing outward. The faces pointing the wrong way could of happened ff you made the first circle then duplicated it and scaled it down to become the inner circle, and linked the two together. Options in Blinder like, "flip face," and "generate normals" will flip them back out (among others). Although the advice given previously, obviously worked. So I'm just posting this as an alternative tip for you and others. :D

  6. Like the OP, I stayed with PS7 for the longest time until I upgraded to CS3 shortly before CS4 came out. My quitly of life improved five fold with that upgrade. But it's nothing compared to the upgrade to CS5. From CS3 to CS5 they added over 70 new features, and on top of it the programs spent some time fixing all the little things that bugged the crap out of users.

    (Side note, Adobe never branded the PS in CS5.5, as CS5.5. If you ever need to know if you are running the "CS5.5" version, it will have a version number of 12.1.)

    Now to the big question of the normal version or the extended version. .. .. Well, if you plan on using PS for just SL clothes, and large print stuff in real life, go with the normal version. The 3D paint ability in PSext just isn't worth the extra cost. Even more so when other programs do it just as well or better. If you still want to paint on a 3D object you should try Blender 2.6 (lots of improvements since 2.49, including a UI overhaul), it's free and tutorials are everywhere. Another free program to try is Metasequoia. It looks like it would be a pain, but once you watch a how-to on YouTube you'll see it's really easy. The only problem with Metasequoia is you need to buy a $49 upgrade to get it to export out other file types.

    Personally the only time the 3D tool-set has ever came in handy for me has been when I've had a CFH wanting tacky 3D text in a design.  ... I can't really think of any features that are in PSext that are really special... better RAW support, maybe.. hum.. come to think of it I've never used the normal version.


    If you didn't know, you can buy Adobe products with a monthly subscription.
    It's $49 for the normal version, and $75 for the extended version a month. Also you can get a discount for upgrading from PS7. If you upgrade you would need to pay in full, but you'll save $100 regardless of version.

    In the end, it's up to you. Good luck, and let us know what you end up doing.

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