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KittyCat Rosebud

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Posts posted by KittyCat Rosebud

  1. Given the first snapshot I can find of myself looks more PSX than Second Life I thought it fair to post another comparison.  Several months later I took snapshots of myself in the palest skin I could find in Second Life at the time.  We used to have a problem where most skins were a scale of Tan.  Pale skin and POC skin felt impossible to find for what felt like an eternity.



    I got tired of trying to get the lighting right and hoped this angle would be helpful for a comparison.  The level of detail then on ears found on a popular skin versus the level of detail now on ears on popular mesh heads now.  A few months later I stumbled upon inexpensive skin.  The creator was also offering inexpensive custom skin.  I was so happy that I bought a few custom skins from them.  Their brand has changed but they are known as  Alaska Metropolitan.

    Sorry about the background.  I got bored and spent time messing around in my art program.

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  2. During the first six years it felt like Second Life had impactful changes more than twice per year.  Just in 2005 alone avatars look like they are from three different games things changed so rapidly.  I used this this forum as an excuse to mess around in an art program for hours and you probably won't see the results.  My computer is very old so the 2022 doesn't look spectacular.  I tried to adjust my current to be close to my size in the 2005.  I could post a 2006 to show just how different things were by then compared to this 2005. 


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  3. The Sim I am on is experiencing Griefing by an Object that cannot be clicked and is set up so that it redirects to a Group I doubt has anything to do with this.  This means I cannot click it to report it and I cannot provide the name of the person responsible.  One or both of these is required to submit a report in world.  When I try to remove the ones on my friend's property through the list of objects on land I get a message about them being deeded to a Group I think the Griefer is just trying to hurt..  the objects disappear from list for a moment and then return.  The entire Sim seems to be covered in these Objects.  They are creating sounds to damage speakers and headphones while attacking any avatar they locate and tossing their bodies around like a ragdoll.


    Additional Information:  Thank you for the link,

  4. I just got around to transfering my things to the new Direct Delivery system.


    I am clicking through and it looks like all of my listings have Images from other merchents listings.


    I'm trying to figure out where and how to report this wreck.  I lost my Hard Drive (it's not missing, it's just been damaged beyond repair), so it may be impossible for me to recreate the images that have been lost.  I was expecting more forums on here for some reason and a place for Bugs and Support.

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