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morganna Fhang

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Posts posted by morganna Fhang

  1. I have been running sl fine all morning. (phoenix) Went to derender prims using ALT+CTRL+SHFT+9 but may have hit a wrong key. I now have a black border around my screen, graphics are large and oldschool. I just want to be able to get back to normal. Any help please. BTW I can run any other program and it is fine, log into sl it changes the whole pc setting, log off sl and it reverts back to normal.

  2. I also have been trying to get to Heatherwood since 12pm slt yesterday. I rent so I had the land owner file a ticket with ll. They are supposedly working on it. But still nothing. Thirty hours of a dead sim, and loss of business not a good thing for me. I keep trying to log in and then continue to try to tp there when I am online. Grrrr....I can see it, I try to get to it from all other areas around it and it laggs me off then back to where I started from.

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