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doP Kidd

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Posts posted by doP Kidd

  1. Hello again Brooke, I know this discussion is closed but it was just to give an small example why 8 hour or 1 day of delay is just unlivable for merchants as for residents, and a bring a real bad inworld experience. We, behind, work with that reality everyday since a year. Even 1 hour is too long for customers, 30mns should be the very max for a virtual goods online marketplace platform.

    Katelyn Barom: Hi Dop, I bought the Palm trees and the sand dunes on the Market Place ...but oops I did not get delivery. Thanks
    doP Kidd: hi Katelyn, give me a moment please
    Katelyn Barom: sure
    doP Kidd: in my side status of both items is : Being Delivered
    doP Kidd: so for now I can't do anything until the status has changed to become or delived or undelivered
    Katelyn Barom: well I did not get it at all , I know all about bad deliveries on here, I get it all the time :)
    Katelyn Barom: crazy I guess
    doP Kidd: yes, especialy by using cart system, you shouldn't... unfortunatly we are in the same boat.. but right now, the status I see for your both items is : being delived ( currently) so it's "normal" you don't have them yet... and the only option suggested is : Not available for redelivery
    doP Kidd: so we got to wait because if I do a manual delivery you will maybe be delivered later
    Katelyn Barom: ahh k dont worry , once again we wait on SL , thanks anyway
    doP Kidd: i'm the first sorry of this state of things beleive me
    Katelyn Barom: dop I am a Creator on SL as well, I am not really a customers , I rarely buy something because I am always creating myself. But we Rebuilt our store and I just wanted some things for the beach area. SO now being a customer I understand how they feel :)
    Katelyn Barom: but its fine I will sculpt a few things myself now for the beach :) We dont really have a say in SL anyway I guess we learn to live with it :)
    doP Kidd: one year to fix a marketplace nobody wanted is a little bit long indeed... :o)
    doP Kidd: but wait
    Katelyn Barom: yep you right
    doP Kidd: you are not in busy mode ?
    Katelyn Barom: no I cant be..I get too many ims
    Inventory objet offered
    doP Kidd: searching the grass pack
    Katelyn Barom: ahh thanks very much that is sweet of you, It does help me now, glad to see you can judge your customers:)
    Inventory objet offered
    Katelyn Barom: thank you very much, now I can get the beach set up so I can get back to sculpting:) Thanks again
    doP Kidd: this is not the problem at all for me, I trust my customers and I think i'm lucky to have them, the worry is just technical, when it's an undelivered status.. or.. displayed delivered but the person says he didn't received, I don't wait to redeliver... never... but there, since the status is " being delivered" I can't click any button... and also I know there is chances they will be delivered later...
    doP Kidd: and welcome :o)
    Katelyn Barom: yes I understand , no problem and thanks anyway . if I get it delevered I will return it to you
    doP Kidd: it's not necessary :o) have a great installation and a sweet day
    Katelyn Barom: :)


  2. 3. The vast majority of undeliveries, display a Delivered status.

    And as has already been said, the most annoying is there is way of realizing it unless a customer comes to claim, meaning all those who don't claim, just stay with their frustration, what is a very bad point.

    Most undeliveries have been purchased with the "cart" system, which seems to particulary fail.

    "Marketplace is currently experiencing delays" : Marketplace has always been slow and has always known since the early undelivary issues. 2 magic boxes, filled of less than 50 items, up to date,  duplicated on 3 different SIMS are not enought to avoid these failures.

    " who purchased multiple times" : Is there any justification for not refunding a customer who bought only once? I see none, I do refund even 1L$, sorry to ask but why not LL ?.

    Is the amount of conditions required here, to be able to refund our customers, made to make us pay from our own way ?

    Reviews should and must be the subject of a mail Alert, this is the only way to "turn into positiv experience any bad review".

    Sorry for the tone a bit upset but the marketplace has one year old now ?

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