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BellaDonna Mocha

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Posts posted by BellaDonna Mocha

  1. The thing LL  is not regarding is the old adage, "if it aint broke, don't fix it"  Instead they seem to be devoted to the opposite.  The longer you are a resident of LL the more you see this to be true.  They take away what works and replace it with something far inferior while at the same time tooting thier own horn about how wonderful those changes are and how lucky we are to have them.  Don't forget to pick up your limited edition of the Magic box bear to celebrate our new improved streamlined marketplace. Geesh in the last week I've come to really hate that bear.  I can only imagine that as a result of all the changes we've seen in the last couple of years that LL must have lost lots and lots of customers...  and lot's and lot's of businesses...  For example, when they had long established businesses migrate to an Adult area... Many long term businesses and mall owners left...  then they started giving away free houses and many real estate companies went broke and left...  All I heard about for a long time was about people who used to own many many sims dumping all their land...  The marketplace has been a disaster ever since XstreetSL...  Who knows what thier long range plans are.. but it sure does not look like staying in business is one of them.  It's too bad... because in the early days of SL it was really cool. Whoever LL is they seem to thrive on suffering and so I wonder if they are really a group of those kinds of people who create sims of torture and pain...  For now it seems they are more content to create suffering and pain rather than a customer base of creative happy and thankful residents..  It's like they made some bad mistakes and started to drasticly lose alot of money and so they are franticly trying to make improvements that are not well thought out and just create more problems and lose more residents...   It's a downward spiral we have been in for years now and I hope it ends soon.  And I hope hope hope that it is not just some viscious plot to bring more pain and suffering into yet another world where a creative and fun virtual reality was promised. As it turns out... SL has turned into just another virtual version of First Life where greed hatred and delusion rule the corporate boardrooms. Let's hope they learn their lessons before Second Life is gone forever. I know that for many many many people it all ready is. I'm guessing that all they have left now are the die hards and the newbies...  And if things keep on keeping on the way they've been going I'm guessing it will be nothing but newbies after long.  They won't know what they are missing and will think it's all way cool.  All these "upgrades" are good for is weeding out more and more of the old timers.  Its a kind of SL genocide.  Is that what this is all about?

  2. I'm having to delete my "Unassociated Inventory" one at a time..  With hundreds left and it taking between 3 - 5 minutes each it will take me at least about another 10 hours just to be able to start sending items to the marketplace again. 

    I feel as if I'm caught in "automatic migration" hell.

    I can imagine there are 1000's of us feeling the same way.

    Thanks LL for another fine mess.


  3. Oh thank you LL for your wonderful limited edition  Bear to help me celebrate your releasing DD. 

    Oh happy day !

    DD is a good name for this wonderful event LL... What does it mean again?  

    Dooms Day?

    Thank you so much for yet another life altering "upgrade"....

    I can bearly rememer when SL was actually fun... 

    Long before I got involved with the XstreetSL that's for sure... 

    Please ... Please...  Please.... stop with the "upgrades"


  4. Are you saying I'm gonna have to do each one manually?

    I've had to do them manually since the last migration and have not finished yet.

    Is that why they are not working manually now?  Because I made manual updates?

    I know I can be a bit over-dramatic.... But I feel really really sick.

  5. What does this mean?

     "Automatic association may fail if an existing listing's associated item has already been manually changed, which may often occur as a result of product updates."

    Does this mean if I ever made any changes to a listing that it will not automatically migrate?

    I had to manually update each listing from the last migration, does this mean I will have to manually do them all this time too?

    I still have not finished from last time.

    Oh how I long for the days when Second Life was fun.

     Now I regret having a Second Life... 

    Is this how pinocchio felt when his dreams and fantacies didn't pan out?

  6. Thanks for the kind words.  All the names are exactly the same.  I just moved my boxed items from my magic box to the Merchant outbox.  I figure mabe someday when I finally get everything up and running again after the migration I can start unboxing them.  But for now I just want to survive this nightmare unharmed.  I guess I'll wait.  I just wish they were planning on giving us more time to do this...   What happens to my listings that I'm not able to finish in time?   Do they just become unlisted or something.  Honestly I still have not recovered from the last migration and still feel ptsd over that one.  But thanks.

  7. I'm just curious.  I managed to send some items to my marketplace but they all still say magic box.  The automatice migration did not work.  It's looking like I will have to do all my items individually and with the lag on the marketplace, this is gonna take months if not years.  Anyone else having this problem? 

  8. Please do not take away the magic boxes until you are 100% sure that migration to the new DD system will work without any problems.  As you can see from my other posts I am emotionally unstable and can not handle having to re-do all my lisings by hand.  I would rather die.   The choice is yours and I respect that... but please consider the suffering and hardships your actions may have on others.  I have been a SL resident for a long long time now..  I have not been able to have fun or play in SL since the last migration.  Now that I am finally getting back on my feet I find out about this new migration.  Please for my sake and for the sake of 100's if not 1000's of your other residents and customers wait until all the bugs are worked out before forcing us to migrate.  Please get it right this time.  Please consider the suffering you may be inflicting onto your customers.  Please take your time and consider all the possible problems that we may have to end up dealing with and please work them out first.  There is no hurry.  Please take your time, make sure everything works first, and then give us a reason to be thankful. Sadly and unfortunately, as you can see from the many posts expressing anger and dismay and distrust that there is a history of trauma caused by previous changes.  Please, Please, take your time with this one and get it right.  This could be a win/win for you and us and everyone.  But, let's not jump in and then fix the problems... Please see if you can fix the problems before you force us to jump in.  Your cooperation and understanding at this time would be most deeply appreciated. Let There Be Peace

  9. Regarding the upcoming DD Migration on March 21st.  I am going to cry... yes cry... I still have not recovered from the last marketplace migration... all my listings were totally messed up... after suffering ptsd I slowy got my listings in order or at least 2/3rds of them ... and now your going to do it all over again... The last migration was a disaster... most of my listings, descriptions, permissions, etc were completely messed up. Please keep the old magic box in tandem... perhaps we can just dump our magic box inventory into your new DD system as is and let our current listings accept that... if I have to re-do all my listings again... I will cry for months.

    P.S. I hope hope hope that this migration to DD the marketplace listings will not be needing to be re-done. This includes the "associate Items" , the permissions, the pictures, etc. With the last migration Wam-O... nearly all my listings had no pictures or permission. Please Please Please include the "associated items" in the migration... I've just spent months and months and hours and hours almost getting those updated...

    Honestly since the last migration I've completely stopped socializing or playing in SL and have devoted all of my available time to fixing the problems and issues caused by the last migration and trying to re-create my marketplace store.  After the migration my sales dropped to less than half and I have still not been able to re-gain pre-migration sales.  I was finally starting to think I could start "playing" in SL again... but now I'm afraid that it could be months or even years away again.

    I feel so sad again and again with all these SL "Improvements" my life just keep getting drearier and more depressing with each new "upgrade".  Rather than being a Second Life of freedom and adventure... it's just keeps becoming more of the same.  Ongoing problems and slaps in the face. 

    You probably don't really care but I just needed to let you know how I feel.  For the most part, I'm grateful for SL but it just keeps getting harder and more painful to be involved.  I honestly don't know how much longer I can hold out.

  10. P.S.  I hope hope hope that this migration to DD the marketplace listings will not be needing to be re-done.  This includes the "associate Items" , the permissions,  the pictures, etc.  With the last migration wamo...  nearly all my listings had no pictures or permission.   Please Please Please include the "associated items" in the migration...  I've just spent months and months and  hours and hours almost getting those updated...  Honestly since the last migration I've completly stopped socializing in SL and have devoted all of my available time to fixing the problems and issues caused by the last migration.  I was finally starting to think I could start "playing" in SL again... but now I'm afraid that it could be months or even years away again.    

  11. I am going to cry... yes cry... I still have not recovered from the last marketplace migration...  all my listings were totally messed up...  after suffering ptsd I slowy got my listings in order or at least 2/3rds of them ... and now your going to do it all over again...   The last migration was a disaster...   most of my listings, descriptions, permissions, etc were completely messed up.  Please keep the old magic box in tandem...    perhaps we can just dump our magic box inventory into your new DD system as is and let our current listings accept that...  if I have to re-do all my listings again... I'm out.

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