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DaQbet Kish

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Posts posted by DaQbet Kish

  1. No, there is no way to make your avatar completely invisible because the nametag will always show even through an invisaprim. I know of no way to hide on the mini map or from radar as well unless they are in another sim. Those god like powers are only available to Lindens or staff of Linden Lab. There used to be a device that do to a break in the viewer code would let you know where some one had teleported to but that I believe has been fixed and such a device would no longer work. One can Map another individual who has set such permission on their Friends List, so you friend might want to check that.

    Most often a stalker simply follows their target’s known routine and works from there. Knowing their prey’s home location, clubs, shops or friends they visit. And it’s easy to know any ones online status either by script or viewers such as Emerald.

    Depending on the level of abuse, your friend can file Abuse Reports but unless they can document it as truly being abusive or harassment I wouldn’t expect much. The best way to handle these types of situations is to Mute and Ignore. Usually in time the person will get board and move on.

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