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Kumi Crazyboi

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Posts posted by Kumi Crazyboi

  1. Madeline, you seem to be missing the fact that "unscheduled" is consistently happening a few days before "scheduled". It's been happening at least one week in each of the last couple months if not multiple weeks per month. I also fully understand that the people posting here are other users not insiders. I was only wondering if some one had read something I had not seen.

  2. I know that it is probably part of updating systems but it is odd that there seems to be unscheduled a few days before scheduled with the unscheduled causing havok for 6-12 hours at a time. I am just wondering if anyone knows exactly what is going on or how long will this continue? Will it be a week or 2 every month for the next couple months? Is this going to be happening for the next year? In my 4 years of being a part of SL I really don't remember anything like this happening for so long. I also do not login in daily for the last couple years so maybe I have just missed some previous times this has happened. There have been times where things get messed up but I don't remember having it every couple weeks for months at a time.

    I know things will eventually get better. Heck, I remember having my entire inventory go missing for over a week in the past. All I had was what was on my avi. All my lindens were gone. It eventually got fixed though and things were back to normal for a while. As normal as it gets for SL that is :P

  3. Changing your location may make it possible to login but expect problems until the all clear without login restrictions or anything else is given. You may login and then be logged out after a period of time. You may crash when you try to teleport. Your inventory may not load or your friends list will be messed up. Days like today are happening periodiclly for a while now. A couple weeks with no issues then a week where shceduled and/or unscheduled maintenance is messing everything up. With how frequent this is happening I would guess LL knows something is wrong. They just aren't telling us.

    I don't even try to login until an all clear is given.

  4. For the last couple months the unscheduled and scheduled maintenance has been much much more frequent. For a week or two everything is fine then there is a week of sheduled and/or unscheduled maintenance. I have never see this happen for so long in my four years of being a part of SL. Since there is constant shceduled maintenance proceeded by unshceduled I would have to guess that they know things are falling apart. Things are just breaking down before they get to the scheduled fixes. Maybe the servers are getting old and need replacing? Maybe it's some other part of the system? It would be nice if there was a notice made to tell why this is happening so often or how long they think it will take to get the overall issue fixed but I wouldn't count on it. I can't remember ever seeing a notice put out saying why something broke or that there will be an extended time of updating systems so plan on things being a mess now and then for the next few months. We are all at their mercy and have to deal with it.

    I wouldn't count on Thursdays Maintenance being canceled and it will probably last longer then the planned hour.

  5. For the last couple months the unscheduled and scheduled maintenance has been much much more frequent. For a week or two everything is fine then there is a week of sheduled and/or unscheduled maintenance. I have never see this happen for so long in my four years of being a part of SL. Since there is constant shceduled maintenance proceeded by unshceduled I would have to guess that they know things are falling apart. Things are just breaking down before they get to the scheduled fixes. Maybe the servers are getting old and need replacing? Maybe it's some other part of the system? It would be nice if there was a notice made to tell why this is happening so often or how long they think it will take to get the overall issue fixed but I wouldn't count on it. I can't remember ever seeing a notice put out saying why something broke or that there will be an extended time of updating systems so plan on things being a mess now and then for the next few months. We are all just at their mercy and have to deal with it.

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