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katweena Dezno

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Posts posted by katweena Dezno

  1. Hi Dylan,

                           Unless you get your phone to work on a android server, it unfortunately will not work. Although, if you do find yourself with an android phone, a app is available. search for "second life" and a mobile grid app should come up. This does not give you full use to SL (such as viewing actual avatar, and places, or others). You have the option to chat, and TP, but thus far that is as good as it gets! Hope i helped and best wishes!

  2. 2nd question of the day guys!!! I have been a member of sl since 2008.... There were times wrer i did NOT log in for quite a while. i noticed that some of the things in my inventory that i had either purchased or was gifted with have vanished! i was wondering is there any way to get them back or replace them without having to re-purchase these item? If someone can help i would really appreciate it... thanks much


  3. Wondering how to get my inventory up on the viewer that displays destinations at the bottom.... I don't have sl open right now but I can't remember if it was advanced or basic mode. But if someone can let me know how to use it correctly id appreciate it. I find the destinations at the bottom much more convenient ... Anyone that can help id really appreciate it thanks,.

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