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RoKk Blackheart

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Posts posted by RoKk Blackheart

  1. welcome back, me and a friend recently bought a half sim and have a few small rentals available, ill get the details and you can contact me in game an ill let you know, may even be able to work out a deal with you so you have a place of your own. if your ever bored and just want to hang out, we have a club on sim and im online quite a bit, feel free to hit me up if you just want to hang out

  2. after a couple year hiadas from SL, me and a friend have decided to get an old club goin again, we are currently looking for DJ's dancers and hosts, feel free to send me a mssg in game....RoKk Blackheart, im on daily, and will answer as soon as im available. we are lookin for rock/metal DJ's

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