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Aerith Felicci

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Posts posted by Aerith Felicci

  1. I bought a skin from Glam affair right? great shop with good skin and many options but one thing i have noticed is that it has no Freckled skin option for my Slink hands and Feet which i prefer to use.This Texture Difference is Killing me right now because (Once seen, Cannot be unseen) and having this different texture seam is bothering me. I have asked around in the Glam Affair Group and they said the creator is not making them for Slink. So I ask you now.

    Is there a Skin Shop which sells skin in my tone/ has freckles and support that same skin applier for my Slink hands and Feet?

    Sounds impossible but i'm sure someone out there should know.

    Edit: I use Maitreya Body with Slink hands & Feet (in case someone asks)


  2. The only jobs i've seen with "Voice Verify" are fluff Jobs, Escort Joints and or Strip Clubs. Voice Verification should never be a requirement for any job. The point of a Second Life is to break away from the real world meaning people should be able to play who they want, get any job in-world regardless of gender RL

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  3. you maybe right, i thought the skin was really pale, but looking closer at the picture each time, i grown to believe windlight had some sort of big play in this photo. i believe it maybe glam affair. but the black lipstick makes it hard to see the signature of the lips to tell for sure.

  4. ohh this is at the cosmetic fair, no wonder i didnt see it at the mons store, ok i'll check that out later and let you know what i find. going to something called the "Cosmetic" fair makes me feel like its going to be all makeup. in any cases i'll definatly will be leaving with something, even if the skin is not there.

    and i'll take another look this time closer, at the glam affair skins.

  5. I'll look into those stores right now and report what i find.


    MONS - is a all Makeup and Accessories store {No skins here)

    Cynful - is a all clothing store (No skins here)

    Bax Coen - is a all Boots store (No skins here)

    Checked Glam Affairs Skin [Artic] (Lightest tone they have), Still pretty tan compaired to the picture

    Not going to check

    Truth - All Hair Store

    purple poses - obviously a pose store

    Slink - been there many times, no Skin only Hair, Accessories for Avatars

    she labeled everything but the skin, thank you for being thorough

     after looking at the picture again, the skin may not be as pale as i want it to be but it is nice looking

    I'll keep looking around

  6. I did, no information on the skin at all i even google searched it...no information on that skin in the post., (I did all possible Searches before posting, thats why i am posting here) i wear glam affair, i never seen a shade that bright before and i need one for a costume project. and before anyone says well just use any.....no

    It has to be something good of this quality something with Slink Compatibility. 

  7. I'm asking the community. im looking for this skin as worn by this avatar.



    Im not asking for the exact answer (that would be nice) but give me some leads on where this skin may reside or a skin of the same color. also compatible with Slink,  the lip makeup is from another store (its not part of the skin) please help me if you can, i will follow all leads.

  8. I greatly agree with the prison, make it so its a 4 sim MAZE where the only way to get out is to solve that very complex maze, and every other day the design changes making it more impossible to solve.

    Each player is also under a time limit if they can't solve the maze within the time limit they are reset back to the starting point. the starting point is always on prison sim 1 and the finish is always on sim 4 but the design in which one have to go, Through sim crossings and traps which can deplete their health once again resetting them back to start..

    making the violator have to use their brains to escape and watch their wits in order to go back to freedom.

    let me know what you think

  9. thanks i'll keep that in mind, always been work work work with me. but i'll seek out hippie and see what he has in store. and i'll work on changing my profile to something alittle less work orientated. 

    these types of advices are always welcome, thanks

  10. well, i used to build. mainly my own house designs. i got into modeling, graduated and started to do a few print photos

    its still hard to find work so i have a lot of free time now. I like to listen to music so i usually find a nice quiet spot to sit and do that, i never engaged in a "family" setting and i window shop alot, so im always on the move.

    currently im looking for a job in world. but with the SL economy the way that it is..finding a job may take a little longer than i'd expected.

    and i'd think i will take you up on that visit. =)

  11. yes im natually shy, usually when people comes along i'd poof. things can change like you said ren i won't be the "soul of the party" overnight, but in time i can be with the right friends.

    I'm not looking to make an extreme radical change. just looking for friends that will let me be me, while changing my lifestyle some. how i been trying to make friends so far? i havn't,  talking to people has never been a strong point of mine, and those who wish to engage has usually been ignored. 

    but im looking to change all that.

  12. I been on second life for about 3 years now, can you believe in that timeframe i was not able to make one friend?

    im shy, usually quiet, and always to myself, but now i feel its time to break out of my shell.

    im looking for a friend who is able to not only talk to me in conversation but teach me how to live free in second life.

    someone able to help me improve my lifestyle and take pictures with.

    (currently working on building up my flickr page)


    tell me what you are into, im looking forward to meeting some potiental friends.

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