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Ravage Genesis

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Posts posted by Ravage Genesis

  1. Well I am definitely up for a new challenge.  I will continue to make new skins but you are completely right about the new opportunities.  I will take them as they come and I cant wait to start learning new things.  Ive noticed there are a few designers that have dropped out of sl completely bc of the rumored mesh.  But its like you said it will bring new and improved full avatars to those who dont want the regular UV one.  So just putting it out there, if anyone wants to collaborate, I am game!

  2. All of my sources are either from creators in sl who I have purchased templates from or from my own photography sources so I wont have to worry about that.  Thanks so much for your help.  This should turn out interesting on how this is all going to work out.  I am sure there are a lot of people who are not going to like their new mesh body but overal I think this is what SL needed.

  3. That look is amazing.  I havent done anything with mesh.  I have played around in daz studio a while back but what my main concern for this whole mesh upgrade is, how is it going to effect the skin makers?  Are their whole new templates?  Will it be based off those models you get in daz or other 3d programs?  How does the texturing go for that?


    Any help in this would be greatly appreciated!

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