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KrystinMarie Faith

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Posts posted by KrystinMarie Faith

  1. I have the trinity. I do like the face, but it's the actual body skin tones that I'm not fond of. LAQ has some amazing faces, but there's not much detail for bodies. I have slink body/hands/feet and even on the hands there's really no details. I'm currently at the Omega store looking for an applier, but so far I see it for every head except LAQ

  2. I love my mesh head from LAQ, but I would like a more detailed skin. LAW has decent skin, but to me it can look a little like play-doh. I was wondering if anyone knows of any other skin designers who make appliers for it? I haven't had much luck, but I really like HUSH skins. It's just a shame they don't seem to make appliers for them. 

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