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Drizzt Naumova

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Posts posted by Drizzt Naumova

  1. ( Saw this old post and had to answer even tho it will be a necro post )

    All of this started to come to the forefront back in 2014 when the irs declared virtual currency was a taxable property. Thus, allowing them to start taxing linden. SL and its converting of linden to real life money had long been a thorn in the side of the irs as they tried to figure out ways of taxing virtual currency. With the rise of crypto, and the final descision that it was deemed a physical property, linden finally was able to be taxed by our geriatric greedongering government. Don't let it fool you, they HAVE figured out how to tax us for the oxygen we breath through climate initiatives, policies, abd clean air taxes. If it's taxable, it will be taxed. Abd if it isn't, a way will be found. I get push back from people all the time when I say they should stop paying as many taxes as possible en-mass. Including property rl property taxes. Citizens in the US are over so over taxed it's pathetic./end rant (hope my explanation helped out on the reasoning behind you being taxed from sl)

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  2. Hi everyone. I have a question. I was wanting to upgrade my account to premium, But I wasn't sure I would be getting the 500L stipend or not. My account was made back in 2005. (10/92005) to be exact. I signed up with the credit card info and I also still get a 50L stipend from back then. My question is, Since it is pre-2006, would I get the 500L or 300L? I tried contacting support via phone and talked to a rep there, and he said he wasn't sure that he hadn't had to deal with any accounts pre-2005, so he wasn't sure. He opened and escalated a ticket for me, and this is the email reply that I recieved:

    Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support.  I understand you have questions pertaining to L$ stipend and I'd be happy to assist.

    Accounts created prior to July 21, 2006 should receive L$500 with their premium membership.

    However, we unfortunately do not have any way to guarantee this. Due to the way the system works, it is possible your stipend could have been reset to L$300.

    Regretfully, we're unable to fix it if the system reverts you to the current L$300 stipends.

    If you have any additional concerns please don't hesitate to let me know.  For all new issues please submit a new case.

    Hmm, Sounds pretty cryptic to me. It kinda sound like I would be playing a game of pay-in mystery box with no guarantees of the grand prize. Anyone have any suggestions or answers to this that they might want to share?

    Thanks in advance.

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