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Posts posted by Foron

  1. That is my issue, I cannot do anything in those said groups, or the capability of being able to remove anyone and/or disband from those groups. I'm "unable to leave group" or thats the popup message I have when I attempt to leave those groups because technically I've been delegated as the only owner, even though both people who had created those groups, one being permanently banned, and the other left the group and/or will not disband the group, I am stuck with them. I don't have any of the opportunities to remove members and disband them from that said group, as everything is greyed out for me to do so. So no, i would had been wonderful if those who get banned their groups are suspended with an option to dissolve if the original creator had been banned, or at least the new owner to gain ownership of that said group.

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  2. My issue is the fact that I belong to a few groups that at one point I was appointed as a secondary owner years ago as I'm a builder/landscaper/terraformer, and at that one or two points of my Second Life, helped manage and build their groups and/or their businesses, and populate their lands. At current state, and this had been an issue for several months now, as I've just accepted that there wasn't really an explanation to resolve this, actually it was more like I gave up for a bit out of frustration. I began to do some research again into this problem I've been having, and came across this blog in hopes someone could point me into the right direction, and/or provide me with some information to resolve this dilemma I'm having. At the current state, I cannot disband, nor leave the two groups due to this. One group pertaining to an old club profile which hasn't been operational for years now. So, the fellow who had created the group isn't responding to me upon disbandment of the group and/or removing my ownership title to leave the group. The other had been an Old Township group that the original creator of that said group has clarified to me on various places i.e. discord and messenger that they are unable to return to Second life on their original account to disband and has shown documentation or emails regarding their account being banned and removed, so they are unable to kick or remove my ownership title from the original group. What I needed to know is how could, or should I say, who do I need to contact in order to get this resolved, as I don't wish to remain in groups I don't have any affiliation to, or wish to remain a populace in.

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