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KittyCat Ninetails

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Posts posted by KittyCat Ninetails

  1. wierd.  apparantly the banned word is kinder ale.  Now why that would be banned I have absolutely no idea.

    I went thru and tried deleting each drink individually till I got the thing to list..the drink that got it banned was Kinder ale.  No clue why.  Kinders are a type of elf..that you so do not want to ever get directions from. 

  2. This is the long winded list for my listing..and I took out the only word I found that was bleeped ..*Sigh* catnip kick with spaces between cat and **bleep**..but I am still getting the banned word bleep so maybe this is not picking them all up?  Am gonna give up and list this without any of the drinks listed since i cant seem to get them to work...anyone else see a banned word in this?


    This lovely globe acts as a safe for your drinks.  Click on the globe to see it open and reveal the bottles hidden inside.  Each bottle has a different menu of drinks in it.  The bottles are: Bloody, Wine, Beer, Ale & Mead, Cthulhu drinks, Tea and Fantasy drinks.

    The drinks in the Bloody bottle are:

    Amethyst Blood Wine
    Anubis blood
    Blood of Satan
    Blood Wine
    Bloody Christmas Milk
    Bloody Eye
    Bloody Shake
    Bloody Smurf
    Bloody Sun
    Bloody Wassail
    Bloody Wine
    Blue Blood Wine
    Bucket of Blood
    Devil's Blood
    Dragon's Blood Wine
    Dragons Blood
    Drow Blood
    Dryad's blood
    Fresh blood
    Lycan Blood
    Mermaid's Blood
    Merman's Blood
    O positive
    Rum & Virgin's Blood
    Sapphire Blood wine
    Satan's Blood
    Satyrs Blood
    Setite Blood
    Troll's Blood
    Ulaver jhinrae
    Unicorn's Blood
    Vampire blood
    Vampire Vinyard Select
    Vampire's Blood
    Virgin's Bloodwine
    Vulcan Blood Wine
    In the Wine bottle are:

    A Touch of Frost
    Air Dragon Wine
    Aleeian Wine
    Alwyr Red
    Arabellan Dry
    Black rose Wine
    Bravari Wine
    Calimsharian Amber Wine
    Catnip Wine
    Drow Blood Wine
    Earth Dragon Wine
    Fae Nectar
    Faerie Dew
    Fire Dragon Wine
    Lady Ivana's elverquisst
    Mages Magic White Wine
    Mermaid's Mead
    Neko no Jikan
    Pendragon Shiraz
    Pixie Wine
    Rosehip Merlot
    Saerloonian Glowfire
    Saerloonian Topaz
    Satyr's Wine
    Spiders Delight
    Sweet Catnip Wine
    Tanimura Cabernet
    The Glow of Summer
    The Hint of Spring
    Water Dragon Wine
    Winter Sleeps

    In the Beer, Ale & Mead bottle are:

    Agyssal Rainfire
    Angel Ale
    Auerhaven's Spirit
    Avalon Ale
    Bitter Black Ale
    Black Unicorn's Mead
    Blue Moon ale
    Bugmen's Beer
    Colinth Amber
    Double-Axe Grinder
    Dragon's Breath Ale
    Dragons Eye Beer
    Duergar Ale
    Dwarven Ale
    Dwarven Stout
    Elderberry Ale
    Elvan Mead
    elvan Silvermead
    Elven Ale
    Fat Tire Brew
    Frog Venom Brew
    Full Moon Ale
    Gnectar of the Gnomes
    Gnomish Ale
    God's Mead
    Goodfellow Mead
    Green Drow Ale
    Greenman's Mead
    Gutshaker Ale
    Harvest Ale
    Hobbit Ale
    Horseshoe Stout
    Kinder Ale
    Knights brew
    Landlocked Lager
    Mild Rose Mead
    Naga Ale
    Oberon's Nectar
    Old One Eye
    Orcish Ale
    Orcish Beer
    Redcap Ale
    Roc's Breath Beeer
    Rumblekin Mead
    Rune Brew
    ShadowDark Ale
    Sidhe Autumn Ale
    Silver Unicorn's Ale
    SlyMor Golden Mead
    Spider Mead
    Spring Mead
    St George's Sacred Ale
    The King's cup
    Titania's Dew
    Vasa's Special Ale
    Zhent's Blood Beer

    Cthulhu drinks are:

    Bile of the Dark One
    Cthulhu's Tequila
    Dagon Draft
    Deep One Ale
    Elder Ichor
    Hastur Brew
    Hydra Mead
    Innsmouth Stout
    Lovecraft cocktail
    Migo Brandy
    Nightgaunt Whiskey
    Nyarlathotep Martini
    Shoggoth Sour
    Shub-Niggurath Sherry
    tsathoggua Gin
    Yith Vodka
    Yogsothoth Champgne

    Tea drinks are:

    Athelas Tea
    Brimstone Tea
    Catnip Tea
    Chamomile Tea
    Dragon's Tears
    Dryad's Wild Honey Tea
    Hot Lemon and Ginger
    Iced Blood Tea
    Mermaid's Green Tea
    Merry's Spiced Chai
    Nectar of the Moon
    Ogre Tea
    Slimy Water
    Steampunkin Tea
    Warm Neko Tea
    Wild Roses Tea
    Willow Bark Tea

    and Fantasy drinks are

    Blood of Mannoroth
    Blue Kitty Blues
    Bunnicula's Brew
    Buttkiss Brew
    centaur Whiskey
    Coal Tar
    Demons Brew
    Domina's Will
    Drunken Kitty
    Fae Brandy
    Goblin Grog
    Gypsy's Curse
    Hell's Fury
    Holy Hand Grenade Coffee
    Howling Mad Mead
    Hrothgar's Galloping Grog
    Kitties Cherry Delight
    Kittyies Grape Grog
    Master's elixer
    Neko Moon
    Old Catnip Blues
    Pomegranate Princess
    Seelie Brandy
    Submissives tears
    Terran Brandy
    Toilet Water
    Unseelie Brandy
    Wizard's Whiskey

    This globe is  9 prims

    As with all our work, we will be happy to customize it for you for an additional fee if you contact Kittycat in world.

    By the way, custom means we do different possibly custom textures on the decanter or barrel, and perhaps on the cups/mugs/horns/glass inside plus edit the chatter the cup does.  We are more than happy, at no additional fee, to change out any drink in any of the decanters for any others.  We have no way of knowing what you like to drink, and do not consider taking a barrel we have made up and shifting the drinks in it to something else as custom.  That is just good customer service.

    Kittycat Ninetails
    JohnQ Ballyhoo
    Vasa Vella

  3. I ran a test on the new materials viewer with exactly the same texture.  One has 3 layers..diffuse, normal and one specular.  Now I am still not entirely sure I did it correctly, but it does look different..slightly different.  There are some huge drawbacks that I can see.  One..we won't be able to use our current texture changer programs with this because in order to create the image, you have to lay three textures on each item.  Also, the textures cost 3 times as much (because you have to have three copies of each image..one a light purple (the 'normal' one) one that to me is the normal one..thats the 'diffuse' one and one thats black and white (thats the specular).  No idea why they use these names..thats what they call them.

    So yes...there is a difference, and I can see using them sometimes.  But...enough to lose out on the texture changing feature?  About half my stuff has a texture changer in it..and I would have to ask, which dyou want...the added shine on the one texture..or a hundred textures to choose from?  The materials one is on the left.


    difference close up.png

  4. my stuff comes in boxes cause of several reasons....

    1.  My inworld vending system requires boxes

    2. I can find things easier in my inventory if they are in boxes.

    3. When i do an update, I can figure out what is the latest update by naming the box V2 or V3 or V15 *grins*...one new tray I am working on is alreayd on V4 *sigh* without renaming the product but still being able to tell which is the most current item.

    4. I am a lazy kitty.  I already have over a thousand items listed on the marketplace, and I so don't wanna open all them boxes again.

    For me, tho, the update thing is the most important.  *Shrugs* but thats me.

    Kittycat Ninetails

    Kittycat's Creations

  5. I have done both (asked for a refund and deleted the maps).  My issue is not with me building.  I have enough maps that I could build forever with what I have and not ever need another map.  I do still buy them because I want all my builds to look different.

    What I believe is that alot of the sculpt makers are taking their tos from other sculpt makers and do not realize that their tos is so restrictive it prevents folks from using their maps on builds without breaking the tos. 

    I have spoken to several map makers and shown them how a decanter works.  Once shown, most of them (not all, I agree, but most) have changed their tos or at least changed it for me.   I did not start this thread to help me.  I started it because I want to help other builders and map makers.  I would like the map makers to understand they are shooting themselves in the foot when they put these tos on their maps.  And I would like other builders to know what these tos mean to their builds.

    In Second Life,  you cannot currently build a decanter of any kind..and that includes a cake that gives out slices of cake, a teapot that gives out cups of tea or anything else that gives out anything with items made from maps with those tos without breaking the tos.

    I did contact the Lindens about this, and they told me that if you sell something full permission, that is exactly what it means.  Full permission.  That the person making the item cannot then go and add restrictions on how it is used.  They did say they would prevent me from reselling a texture I purchased, but not what I used the texture on.  I have not done so, but thought it was interesting that they have expressed the opinion that these tos are unenforcable.  It will be interesting to see how the tos are enforced on mesh items.  Unlike maps, you can actually see who made the mesh easily.  I use firestorm, and know I cannot see the map makers name on firestorm, but I understand other viewers do allow you to see who made the maps used to make an item and the name of the person who made the textures used on an item. 

  6. It is a challenge.  It is especially a challenge when the tos are not clearly posted on the marketplace listing or when I go to their in-world shop and see no sign of their tos.  So I spend the money, buy the sculpt map and then find the tos says I cannot use it for my builds. 

    Its very frustrating and restricting.  What I do not understand tho, is what they (the sculpt makers) are protecting.  A sculpt map is a texture.  Would you buy textures that had as part of their tos that you could not use the texture on anything that you made that was copy/trans?  or where the texture maker has as part of their tos what permissions you would put on your finished product?  If not..then how is a sculpt texture any different?  

  7. I think your missing the point here.  What my point was is this:  The sculptie makers are making items that inherently should be used in a decanter..ie cups and mugs and glasses sculpties.  Things to make drinks from.  And then making it impossible to comply with their tos and make anything from them.  If you want to make a cup of tea to just set on a table, then thats fine.  But if you want to wear it, if you want your customers to wear it..then it must be copy/trans.

    No one can comply with the tos folks are putting on these sculpts and build any kind of decanter.  I do not think there are many folks out there wanting to set out a teacup, tho I could be wrong.  I do know that there are alot of builders out there that must be buying the sculpts and then ignoring the tos. 

    I know when I buy a texture in sl, I do not have to worry about these tos on the texture.  I have never seen a texture put for sale in sl where the tos say what permissions I must put on the finished product.  But that is rapidly becoming standard procedure on sculpt maps.  


  8. I make drinks and decanters.  I make other stuff too, but thats my main product.  What is a decanter?  It is something that gives something else away on a touch or from a menu.  Example:  i make a cup of Willowbark Tea.  That is the drink.  I place the drink into a prim I call "teapot".  The teapot is the decanter.  I can put one drink it.  I can put a hundred in it.  It is still called a decanter.  For this, I will call them cup and teapot.

    I want to sell the teapot on the marketplace.  The teapot can have any permissions.  The cups in the teapot MUST have copy/trans rights or the teapot will break for the next user.  Guaranteed.  The reason is this.  If the cup in the teapot is copy only...or copy/mod, only the owner of the teapot will ever get a cup from it.  If the cup is transfer only or transfer/mod, the teapot will only ever give out one copy of the cup, then it will break.

    This same applies to food.  If I build a tray with food on the tray that only vanishes or maybe vanishes and emotes that its being eaten, no problem.  The food can be any permissions.  If it is to give out food so that the next person can wear the piece of meat or cookie, problem.  Like the teapot above, if the food is not copy/trans (what is given out, not whats on the tray) the decanter will break.

    I am unsure what the sculpt map makers are trying to protect with their tos.  If an item I build is copy/trans and no mod, no one can get a copy the map.  Yes they get a copy of the teacup.  But..its scripted.  And the scripts in it are no mod, no copy, transfer only.  SO they cannot change what it emotes, or who made it.  And it is my build, so if they give it away, they are still giving away what I made, not the map.  And yes, there may be a ton of copies of my willowbark tea, but that should be my worry, not the sculpt map makers.  As I, as a builder, am going to buy maps for my builds, they are not losing anything.

    What really concerns me is not my builds.  I have an absolute ton of sculpt maps.  I make my own.  I buy them regularly from folks that do not have that tos or are willing to allow me to use thier maps with my tos on them.  What concerns me is the new builders coming up.  The ones that are starting out.  They cannot use these tos and I see the tos on more and more stuff.  And also what worries me is the folks that do buy the sculpt maps and use them on their builds and then either find out they cant give away/sell them as is..or choose to ignore the tos of the maker.  Both situations are totally unfair.  Either they, the builder run the risk of a dmca or else they wind up spending money on something they cannot use.


  9. I just tried an experiment..added a script that I wrote to a prim I made and it worked fine.  Then I edited the script and changed it..and it also saved just fine.


    It has something to do with the fact that I did not write the original script.  Because I still cannot edit that script and get it to save while its in an item worn by me.  And I cannot drop another script not writen by me into a worn prim either. 

  10. I be totally shocked.

    I did an experiment.  Created a new script in my inventory.  Copied the entire full perm script I have to it...and saved it in my inventory.  Wore the drink I am trying to script.  Edited it.  Dropped the new script into it.  And IT SAVED!  So I then edited the script and changed the emotes on it..and IT SAVED AGAIN!

    The issue is therefore something to do with who wrote the script.  Because when i copy his script into a script created by me, it works. 

    Darn good thing the script is written by a friend of mine *grins* cause the only way I can rescript this many items is to use the one that appears to have been written by me.

  11. don't know if its related to this or not..but in the last 4 days I have been having alot of issues with loading scripts into worn items and with editing scripts in worn items.

    I noted that the problem with loading scripts in worn items started 4 days ago in some sims..and over the next two days spread to every sim I have gone to.  I cannot drop a script (or anything else) into a prim while its being worn.  The error msg is "Inventory creation on in-world object failed." 

    Now (as of today) I cannot change a script in an item that is worn.  For example..I wear a cup of tea and want to change the color of the steam in the liquid.  I edit the liquid, edit the script for particles, and change the color codes.  It saves or seems to...and then I get the msg in blue "Unable to add script!".  When I edit the script again, I find it has reverted to what it was before the edit.


  12. I make wearable scripted drinks and food stuffs.  Some of my drinks and foods have a 'res and die' script in them so dropping them on the floor is not an option.

    Before the last few days, when changing an emote on a drink, I would wear it, edit the script, change the emote and save it.  No problem.

    When changing the scripts out, I would wear the drink, edit it, add the new script, delete the old script and go on to the next.  No problem.

    Today, i cannot do either.  When i add the script to the item, I get "Inventory creation on in-world object failed." and when i edit the script, it saves but i get the msg in blue "Unable to add script!"

    This is very new. 4 days ago, I could add scripts to my drinks no problem. Three days ago, I found that only in certain sims could I add scripts, that I was getting the errors in some sims but not others. Two days ago, I found I could not find a sim where I was not getting this error. Today, I cannot edit the scripts in any way while they are in a worn item.

  13. I have been doing the 60L sales for quite a while.  I have found that the group organizers are very helpful and consistant.  One thing they do that i adore is post all of the items to a web site for easy surfing.  They do charge every week to put stuff in the sale, but I think thats reasonable considering the work involved.

    As for sales, i have tracked them for quite a while.  I find my sales from them make it worth doing, as in I sell more than the 120L it costs to have items in the sale, and that it appears to me to be good advertising.  I have had people tell me that they found me from the 60L list so I will continue to do them.

  14. so were you giving away the texture in the build or simply the build?  Because if it is the build that is full permission, then your not giving away the build.  Anyone who then buys the build and succeeds in getting a copy of the texture from the build is breaking copywrite permissions...not you.

    If the texture came with tos that said you cannot give away or sell the final product withou modify rights, then they may have some leg to stand on..though from what I understand, the Lindens take the view that if you sell a product with full permission rights you give up the right to tell the next owner what he or she will do with it.

    I could be wrong....but it sounds like you did nothing wrong.

    On a side note tho..what they were doing was griefing your shop and that is grounds for them to lose their accounts.  Damn silly move for a texture dispute I am thinkin.

  15. actually I know of lots of textures where the texture makes the build.  But never are the tos that restrictive.  I, as you prob have guessed, am a little frustrated by these tos.

    I find that I only buy sculptie maps now from either those creators who do not put those kind of restrictions on their product, or those I personally contact and get their approval to use copy/trans as permissions on a build I make with their product.

    One problem I find is I have thousands (literally) of sculptie maps.  Some of them I purchased over 2 years ago.  I cannot (and do not even try) keep track of changing tos on items I already own.  So if I bought a sculptie from John and his tos at the time was that I could not give away or sell the map..and now his tos is that I cannot give away or sell the item I make from the map with copy/trans rights....do I have to worry about his new tos?  The chances that I kept his old tos notecard are somewhere between slim and none....and slim is on his way out of town.

    I find myself rapidly coming to the conclusion that if I did not make it, I won't use it.  And since I spend a ton of money on sculptie maps and textures, and I am prob not alone on this conclusion, are the makers of maps not shooting themselves in the foot by making these restrictions?

  16. I am not selling someone else's creations.  I am selling my own creations.  But my creations are created using their maps..their 'sculptie textures.  But I am the creator of the item.  And to be honest with you, there is no way that they as the creator can tell that I am using their map..because you cannot SEE the map unless the item is modifyable.  The only way they even know its their map is if its a very very unique build..and trust me..tea cups aint that unique. 

    What stops me from ignoring their tos on the maps is my own integrity.  I believe that I must be true to my own beliefs..and I believe that if someone says..here this is an amazingly lovely thing I have crafted..yes you can have it...but no you cannot use it....I will take it and delete it.  Because for sure I will forget I cant use it *sigh*.

    What I am concerned about with this though is that there are poeple trying to sell sculpties in sl with a tos that means that no one can buy their maps and use them for any commercial build.  Now that makes sense if the sculptie they are making is something like um..an elephant say..or a sign or something.  But this was a teapot set.  That no one can buy the set I saw today for sale on the marketplace and build a commercial tea set with it and then sell the set.  Not without first breaking the tos of the maker of the sculptie.  The only thing it can be used for is for a personal build only.  I can make a tea set for my own house and have my friends come over for tea.  Thats it.  It cannot be used by a commercial builder.

    And what no one has explained to me really is why they are so rabid on protecting their maps.  It aint like the maps are unique.  As I said..there are tons of tea cups out there.  They are not unusual   And why try to control what permissions I put on what I make from them?  It aint like anyone can see the map.  Lots of the sculptie makers use a cover on the map so that you cannot see anything on the map but clear or swirls.  No clue how they do that..but it works.   I cannot take those maps to my computer and then bring them back into sl with my name on them as the builder.  I would not even if I could, but i cant.  Those maps are protected.  And the tos of me not giving away the maps...thats not something I have a problem with either.  Its the restriction they put on how I can give away or sell the items I make from their maps.

    I also do not see what the difference is with the textures we all buy and the maps.  They are both really a texture.  What is the difference between this fantastic texture I buy from Twisted Thorn for example..which comes with the tos that I cannot sell or give it away free to anyone or sell it to anyoe..and a sculptie map of a teacup?  Both take a massive amount of skill and time to make.  Both of them take some real person behind the screen making them.  But no texture maker would dream of making those kind of restrictions on their textures.  They may say I cant use them on any other grid.  They may say that I cant sell or give em away.  But they do not try and control what permissions I put on what I build with them, or what I do with the items I make from them.  What is the difference?

  17. I have contacted some of the makers of sculpties with varying results.  Most understand my problem and are willing to lift their TOS for my specific build or for me personally.  But the problem as I see it is this....I am an established builder.  I have hundreds of sculpties and make my own.  As a rule, I am not in need of yet another teacup.  But for the new builder...they cannot buy this lady's sculptied tea pot because they cannot make the drinks copy/trans and put them into the pot.

    I have tried making my drinks no copy/trans in the world then picking them up and changing the permission to copy/trans in my inventory and loading them into the decanter and then picking up the decanter.  But when I then pass the decanter on to you (ie sell it) and you res it...the decanter won't work.  I have also put drinks no copy or no trans into a decanter and then changed the permissions on the drinks in the decanter using edit permissions and then sold it.  That did work, but the drinks in the decanter are then copy/trans for everyone.  So I am then breaking tos.

    My issue tho is the TOS themselves.  If I sell a texture, I do not put a tos on it that you cannot sell or give away the item with copy/trans rights..but because your selling a map, you do?  Where is the logic in that?  And why can you restrict how I sell my items?  I can see you putting restrictions on the actual map.  Absolutely.  I totall support that idea.  But on the build I make with it?  Why do you have that right then?   I intensly dislike the concept that someone else can dictate how I can sell something I make.  And I hate the restrictions that folks are doing..tho i suppose it will cut back on my competition.


  18. actually it won't help to make the drinks delete themselves after one use.  The problem is this.  I make a barrel of mead.  You buy it.  You set it out in your roleplay tavern.  John comes by and clicks on on the barrel to get a drink.  He is offered the menu of meads in the barrel.  He chooses one drink.

    The permissions on the barrel are no problem.  But...the drink MUST be copy/trans or the barrel will break.  If the mead in the barrel is copy only then only you..as the owner of the barrel..can get a drink.  If the mead is trans only..then only John will get a drink..and only once.   Then the barrel is empty.

    I have been doing this for a long time.  Setting the permissions differently in your inventory after you pick it up only "sort of" works.  I have had that not work when I take the item from my inventory and drop it into a prim (read barrel) to be then picked up..put in a box..and sold in the box.   Changing the permissions on the script in the mead works sometimes.  But again, I have had trouble with it when i get complex (put the drink in the barrel in the box and sell the box).

    What I really do not understand tho..is what the makers of the sculptie maps are afraid that is going to happen?  I make a drink from their sculptie.  I texture it and script it with my scripts and textures and then sell/give it away with copy/trans rights.  You get one of my drinks.  It has copy/trans rights..the scripts inside are trans only (see..am already doin the stuff with the scripts) and you wear it.  You cannot get a copy of the map from the drink.  You can't even see the map or the texture on the build because its no mod.  you can have a hundred copies of the drink if you want.  They will all say their built by me..they will all have the same texture and script in them.  If you remove the script, they will break.  You cannot retexture, rescript or tear it appart.  If you try, and I have had customers try..it will break.  SO..whats the problem?  Why are they not sticking to having the tos on the sculptie maps such that I cant give away or sell their maps..why are they dictating what I can and cannot do with what I make from their sculptie?

  19. I make decanters and drinks.  Its not all I make, but its mostly what I make.  I make a decanter full of drinks and sell it.  The new owner is NOT the maker of the decanter..but is the owner.

    The way decanters (and anything else that dispenses anything) in second life works is this.  The decanter can be any permissions you want.  The drink inside MUST be copy and transferable in order for it to work.  If the drink is transfer only...the decanter will only ever give out one drink.  If the drink is copy only, then only the new owner of the decanter can ever get a drink from it.

    I just went on the marketplace and was looking at sculpties.  Someone is selling a tea set full perm.  Their tos says quote:

    Feel free to use them in any of your creations. You can change the textures, build anything with them .You can sell or give away objects that you made with the sculpt map textures, only when it is with other objects. You are not allowed to sell or give away the objects with copy and transfer rights or with full perms.

    Violation of above conditions will force a DMCA notice on you.

    This means that ANYONE who buys this teapot will be in violation of the TOS and subject to having a DMCA filed against them.  There is no way I would ever buy their stuff.  I cannot afford to have a DMCA filed against me or even the threat of one.  But..I am finding this kind of TOS everywhere on alot of sculptie makers stuff.

    Why are people having this kind of TOS on their items?  Especially when the item in question, in order to be used in a commercial build, must ...absolutely MUST be given away or sold with copy AND transfer rights to the final build.  Also..what are they so afraid of?  I can see protecting the map and the texture..but the final build?  It is my build and is it not my choice how I dispense it?

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