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Michael Tempel

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Posts posted by Michael Tempel

  1. Been brainstorming a new PC to build lately. So i wanted to take in consideration  of SL into the build and  the AMD A10-7850K  is really appealing as an all in one  cpu/gpu  processor,  as to compare me building a intel CPU / nvidia GPU counter build. Price on the APU adds up to be about 75$/75$ if i look at the split costs. i know this APU runs  1080p on some  latest game titles  BF4 stuff like that at 40FPS/high settings with 8 gb of DDR3 1866 Ram (deminishing returns for ram of higher clock speeds).

      last time i discussed an AMD Grpahics based PC was when a friend of mine with a Radeon 5870 was having shadow glitching  and mesh wasnt rezzing in right.  On the other hand i do know somone running a HD6450 that has no issues with SL, in fact theirs performs better than my nvidia GT610 rig(i get allot of crashing due to  memory  running out issues even though its a 1gb card) so I want to know if anyone is running a AMD apu, even the lower end ones  if it runs ok for you in SL.

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