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Astina Capalini

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Posts posted by Astina Capalini

  1. Hi Guys,

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words and expressions of support. I especially appreciate the comments about being a resource to others and not allowing anyone to run me out of sl.  A special "shout out" goes to Randall Ahren, for offering a place to stay AND a month free to boot. :smileyhappy:  All of this reminded of what I love about sl. Folks being empathetic and caring. 

    Now, the update. The landlord contacted me and everything is settled now and I have moved in my new home. She was on vacation. I just wished in her profile (somewhere) she mentioned that and when to expect her return.

    Feel free to come inworld and say hi. If you dont mind the dust, come by and have a beer. :smileyhappy:


  2. Hi,

    Today, I decided to give sl an extended break. I have been in sl for a total of 5+ years and have taken periodic breaks mostly due to rl demands. But two things has caused me to take an extended break. One, the constant request/demands for a rl pic. I find that to be one of the most annoying things in sl. I have been defriended over it (no biggie) because that shows they aren't "friend" material anyway. Apparently, there are a lot of people that don't care where their rl pic may end up.

    It is the second situation that really upset me to the point of tears. I found a nice rental home on the Barrington sim. I paid the rent up for four weeks. I was told I would receive additional information within certain amount of time and if not contact the landlord. I sent several ims as well as notecards and no response. I feel like I am stalking this woman and her lack of response is ridiculous. I have also sent ims and notecards to other members in her group with the hope that if not her but someone else has the ability to send me group invite. No response there. That is all I want, group invite so I can move in.

    I know LL offers no recourse with trying to obtain a refund and I can understand that. I have never had a problem with a landlord before and I was looking forward to a long term tenant/landlord relationship. But in this instance, it is not to be the case.

    Therefore,with 6 days left on my existing rental  I have packed up my stuff out of disgust,  It is easier to completely walk away then constantly logging in see if I heard anything from her. So there goes 4,000L down the drain along with monies that other vendors could've received because I was looking forward to making redecorating purchases.

    Sadly, sl is no longer fun for me.

    Thanks for allowing me to rant.





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