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KaumNoch Hoffnung

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Posts posted by KaumNoch Hoffnung

  1. Caleb Linden wrote:


    Second Life RC LeTigre

    LeTigre is on a new server maintenance project.  It only includes a few internal bug fixes
    which shouldn't show any visible changes to the residents.


    Looks like it does show a visible change , unless this project intentionally switches off SSA on LeTigre Regions. I have seen people rezzing slowly / go through blurry state when teleporting into 2 Le Tigre Sims i visit frequently.


  2. Hiyas, thanks for the suggestions. Here is my sniplet:


    integer chk_pure_ASCII(string str2chk){    str2chk=llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls((str2chk = "") + str2chk, [" "], []), "");    if (str2chk==llEscapeURL(str2chk)) return TRUE;    else return FALSE;}      

    Returns FALSE when non ASCII Characters  (>>> Those that need to be URL escaped (not in ISO8859) are detected.

    Might be a bit too strict if ISO8859-1 chracters are detected that might be part of object names, but that's fine for me.


    Thanks again for the Inspiration


  3. Hiyas,


    i got a question:

    Has anyone ever come across an elegant way to detect non ASCII Characters in a string using LSL? For me it just has to detect if they exist, no need to spot their position etc.


    To explain the purpose and my need to have such a sniplet: I want to tell if a Display Name contains those many ugly (erm...did I Say ugly? :smileywink:) UTF16 characters that a XYTextScript is unable to display and/or an object name is unable to handle. If such a character is detected, I'll use normal regular legacy avatar names instead.


    I can loop through every single character of a string and compare it with a list of ASCII Characters - if a single character is not found in the list then its a non ASCII character - i just wonder if there is a more elegant way.




  4. The -->> PiNk BiTs <<--  is a NEW venue for adults to feel comfortable and welcome at.

    D/s roleplay is encouraged, but not required.

    We plan to have regular events and want to keep up a regular operation to allow visitors to show up and find someone  to socialize with. This is where you and your possible future job comes into place.

    We need you if your an Entertainer At Heart.
    It doesn't matter if you feel joy as a Dancer using our Dance poles or your own dance animations or if you want to host events at the PinkBits.  If you get a kick out of dealing with strangers, making them feel welcome, motivate and encourage them to stay, then you are the one we are searching for.

    Our requirements:

    • You need to have fun dealing with strangers
    • You will need to be active in local chat
    • Kind and friendly, open to other opinions or lifestyles
    • A connection to D/s or M/s lifestyle is encouraged but not required.

    We offer:

    • Minimum of 80% of your total tips
    • Up to 100% of tips based on your success entertaining
    • Club Bonuses for the best entertainers.

    Does this sound interesting to you? Then we want to hear from you.

    Please drop by at the PiNk Bits @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Van%20Tessa/110/36/44 , grab a employee application notecard and return it to us. Alternatively get in touch with our staff.


    We are looking forward to hear from you.


    Best Regards

    KaumNoch Hoffnung aka Rebecca Hoffnung


    P.S.: Please don't waste your's and our time if your objective is to dance on a pole hoping for big tips while you do something else. Camping Sims may be the better place for you. Now that we have clarified this, we want to know more about you. 

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