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Suzanna Vella

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Posts posted by Suzanna Vella

  1. Thank you FJ for sharing the information with us. Is there an ETA as to when an official blog post will be issued?

    It's a bit annoying that I can't buy L$ from within the viewer at the moment, and even on my account website using LindeX, PayPal doesn't seem to be available for checkout, which contradicts with the Wiki stating: "All Residents will continue to be able to cash out using PayPal."

    Just to be clear, my PayPal details haven't changed in ages. In theory I wouldn't have a problem using credit cards, but with all the fraud going on everywhere, I'd like to share the details with as few entities as possible. That is the only reason why I use PayPal wherever I can. If you guys can't fix that sooner rather than later, then I'll have to go for third party L$ dealers, who accept PayPal, I'm afraid.

    The email I just got is funny: "An attempt to purchase Linden Dollars for your account via the LindeX page on secondlife.com has failed." -- It hasn't failed at all. I've cancelled it for the reasons stated above.

    Fix your payment system please, and in the meantime a blog post with up to date details would be appreciated. Thank you!


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