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Scotty Christenson

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Posts posted by Scotty Christenson

  1. FYI on problem.....   1st off responces like the one above that go into drama i'm not even going to read. I DID NOT come here to type or read a bunch of that. Only trying to find help. LL customer support has turned out to be very helpful on the subject. I am having a large packet loss on this viewer that they believe is related to my router. Thank you to those who did try to help.

  2. Thank you for everything. Yes I agree that LL support cant help after several emails with them. I do disagree however that my pc might not be big enought to run sl. I know about computers and build them and is no reason  performance wise that this pc shouldnt run it. I believe it to be a glitch or error. I will try firestorm and see if I can find any answers. Thanks again

  3. yea, thought of that. mic is muted and also went into preferences in second life and turned it off. no mic and it still happens. Is exactly what eax has done to me in other games in sound card but i have made sure it is not on and it still happens on the newer viewers.


  4. I just reinstalled the most current drivers and it did not help. It is difinatly a second life only problem. It is not my wires or card, i do online sim-racing and a few combat games and music and many other applications on my pc all the time that uses sound and this problem is only in sl. Not only in sl but every viewer I try with the exception of a beta of a third party viewer. I have been using the old beta  because it was the only one that worked without flaw for me but with all the mesh out there these days that viewer will not view it so I am not trying to work through my issues with the newest viewer. Thanks for the help.   :)

  5. Hi, I thought I'd ask here to see if any of you have heard of this problem before I contact customer support to see if they can help me. All the sounds in second life have a echo to me, button sounds and such dont bother me so much to hear the echo but it makes music impossible to listen to. I have been all through the settings in preferences and all the settings on my sound card and nothing changes. If anyone has heard of this or knows what might fix it? Thanks in advance


    side note* i have the same issue in every viewer i download...not just the offical release


    evga mb~intel quad core2.4ghz~4 gig ddr3~nvidia 275gt card~creative x-fi aduigy sound card~vista 64bit

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