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Koni Lanzius

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  1. http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-14758 this mentions a patch and is listed as the Mac OS, how does one install a patch? Never done that...
  2. Would the instructions to rid myself of the mouse-over pop-up be the same if I'm on a Mac OS X 10.5?
  3. http://picasaweb.google.com/2ndlifer4fun/RollOver?feat=directlink theres the image and the hover tips option does nothing to remove it
  4. Is there a way to fix this problem in Second Life? I have a picture of it but im not allowed to upload here its a small white background window that comes up when you mouse over the local chat window (and other active buttons) it drives me crazy because it obstructs your view of the window until you close it or it fades away
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