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Tyson Palmyra

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Posts posted by Tyson Palmyra

  1. I'm afraid that unless the rest of this country wakes up and starts to have the same concerns as you we're on our way out as well. These new wars we run into head-on are endless and bankrupting.

    Looking at this next election, either the majority of america is far too influenced by the media or men with fancy words to think for themselves. It's no longer "what if", we're in the middle of a collapse but many refuse to even accept it.

    So many are too busy waving the flag and yelling SUPPORT THE TROOPS to see we're killing ourselves. It's time to end the wars and stop trying to police the rest of the world, it sounds great on paper and many may have great intentions but when its breaking us it has to STOP.

    Many of us may have to agree to disagree and each give our own sacrifice but something has to be done, more of the same won't work. Expecting the same failures that got us to this point to somehow turn it around is short sighted and foolish, they simply cannot do it.

    Only when the majority of America wakes up with REAL change happen, maybe it will be too late.

    I urge you to watch this video and let the words shake around in your head for a while.


  2. Alot of good points in this thread but I have to disagree with the ripped jeans being a no no. I mean, I wouldn't wear the awful jeans I see some people wearing that are ripped out on the ass and half way down the back of their legs and front.

    Plenty of quality creators have made some tastefully ripped jeans. I like to look just a little sloppy as it gives some realism to the av. I see alot of guys running around that look way way too clean cut like they just got pressed and fitted. Looks a little out of place unless you're in a formal suit or tux.

    With the 1000L challenge, Thats doable easily with the hunts going on and a few of the discount and promotional shops going up. I know alot of mens fashion threads have popped up over time, it'd be nice if we could get a thread going with a long full list of quality shops for men. I think far too many guys join SL and quickly grab w/e they see in the first few shops they find in search and never really explore beyond that for clothes.(Atleast it seems that way).

    Anyways (poor quality) pic below is example of the jeans I'm talking about. I don't really see them as gaudy or a fashion mistake by any means.



  3. I gotta say, I'm a big fan of the newest casual male AO from SEmotion. It's not as cheap as some of the others mentioned, though quite a bit cheaper than vista full AOs. I'm not really big on all the arm flailing and jumping around that alot of creators seem to love to put out. As far as Oracul goes for me, I can't use the stands because they all seem to tweak my head and neck at funny angles.


    Your best bet is to just jump around to some of the places mentioned and see what you like. Only you can pick the "best" AO for your avatar. :)

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