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Onyx Asbrink

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Posts posted by Onyx Asbrink

  1. I just got a custom built computer in yesterday and i have it all hooked up. Its runnning Windows 7, a highly advance graphics card, and is running off a wireless internet connection from my home router. I tried to install several versions of Second life today, including Viewer 2.0, and Phoenix. On the ones i mentioned i recieved the imfamous "Media_plugin_webkit" error.

    I tried theo ther viewers, and the error didnt show up. but when i try to log it in freezes at the regional handshake, then says there are connection issues. I have installed quicktime and flash onto my PC, im running Panda Global Protection 2012 as my security, and my Windows security is disabled. If there are any more details i need to devuldge, let me know. 

    As for now,  the error shows up when i start up the program and am at the login screen. I have tried putting the slplgin.exe file to be allowed through my security, but it dosent help. I am woderingi f it is a driver or something, because ive tried just about every fix out there. Any insight would be very helpful. Please be specific with instructions, becuase i am horrible with directions. Thank you :)


    Update: I found out what the prblem is, being thati have a Bigfoot Killer Network card. Still dont understand the instructions on how to fix it though, seeing as im running Windows 7, and the instructions dont match up with what i see.

  2. I just downloaded secondlife viewer 2. I just got a brand new computer, with a ATI Radeon 6970 graphics card. Ive tried a couple other viewers I.E. phoenix and imprudence, and phoenix and Veiwer two are giving the same error message on start up.

    "The following Media Plugin has failed"


    Please re-install the plugin or contact the vendor if you continue to experience problems."

    I have no clue what to do. If anyone has an answer, please message me directly to my account if possible. I just wanna be able to paly sl on my computer :(

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