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Saucerhunter Wezzog

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Posts posted by Saucerhunter Wezzog

  1. And this is where it gets to be really different, I did the catalyst upgrade to 10,1 or whatever it was rolled it back to the 9.13 I rolled it back through all I could think of, but I looked at the original driver disc I had for the card it was 7.135 something you could not get from even the ATI site, for some reason I cleaned the drivers off my computer of the catalyst divers I obtained from the ATI site stuck in the original cd that came with the card downloaded them, and SL took off. I mean who is to figure?? I guess bigger is not always better. Ha, ha. Good luck dude, hope you got a little insight on ATI. Soon you will ask yourself.....Is SL really worth it?? I know I did.

  2. ATI is a pain in the butt. I have 1 ATI card left out of 3 and the 1 left is only for back up the other 2 didn't fry out totally but fried.  I decided to go with Nvidia this time around, and I am impressed I fly through SL flawlessly. OK you have a driver problem with your ATI card, and rolling it back may help you to atleast enter SL. The catalyst suite and certain catalyst issue drivers really mess with SL. You just have to experiment until you find a good combination. Remember when you change any drivers for your ATI card, use the catalyst unistall associated with the catalyst suite. If it does not come up when you click on the catalyst, you must go in to your add and remove programs and manually unistall all things that say ATI If after this reboot your computer, if the monitor goes wackoo, it changes resoulution and size, the computer reverts to a default bga back up setting, this is a good thing because it means the ATI stuff is off your computer, and you can lay some different drivers down. If on reboot your monitor appears the same, all ATI stuff is not off your computer and you must clean the registiry. If you lay ATI drivers upon ATI drivers you are really going to get some problems because they ternd to become as one, and your card is going to start doing some really goofy things..

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