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Bildreth Baroque

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  1. I have a general question.... Let me paint a picture. Imagine you were a designer/merchant who had worked for quite some time, building a brand/label for mesh clothing in SL... You have done the networking, got the contacts.. you know how to hit deadlines and have a fine product range. Your label has grown over time to begin to get noticed and things are going good. Imagine then a friend or another mesh designer would like to sell his/her work through your label, meaning that you would do all the usual promo stuff for the show - posters, box up the items etc, and they would benifit from having thier work shown and sold through an increasingly recognised label. This means that the merchant gets a reasonable cut from the work of the creator as it sells at the show, and the creator gets a reasonable cut for producing finished rigged/textured mesh ready to sell. How much should the merchant take from the new creator in terms of percentage? What would be a reasonable charge?
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