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Sierra Larsen

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Posts posted by Sierra Larsen

  1. Exactly I find it ridiculous that it is Automatically checked for group liabilities, and I have seen even experienced SL users create a group and not check all the rights and permissions close enough.

    So I personally think it is the creator or owner of the groups fault and have voiced it many times only to have other group members flair up about it being only 1 or 2L. Sure one group 1L - we can have 25 groups and if all group owners are nonce's that is 25L a week 100L a month and if you have left SL for an extended period of time 1200L a year or more. So it can add up, it does and if I join a group and then have money removed I IM the owner about it (nine times out of ten they didnt know it was doing that) and they stop the auto deductions, those that refuse or harp on about it - I remove. Groups arent that important to me - I can make my own tag if I want to.

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  2. As others have mentioned it is time to get RL solicitors or the police involved.

    It seems like this person actually knows you in RL so it should be easy to track and file charges - here in Australia it would be described as misuse of a telecommunications device (something like that anyway).

    If you have kept copies of everything this person has done - screen shots are a better bet than notecards as we all know they can be doc'd, these will help your case.

    You could also sue LL for failure of duty of care - considering you have reported incidents and the harassment has continued and they have failed to act accordingly and address the abuse.

    This may seem far fetched but as their own TOS has been breeched and they have failed to protect you - they have failed  and are now accountable.

    It should be free to see a solicitor for the first time and make sure you find a solicitor that deals with the internet and speak to police that are connected to the internet task force not the local police. A solicitor or police that have no dealings with internet laws and policies will not understand what law this person is breaking.


    Good luck

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