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Bit McMillan

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  1. If you are talking about mesh pants you probably have to active one or more of the lower body alpha through your "Body Controller HUD", or if you have this issue with layered clothes please see the instruction notecard under "Known problems and Fixing" paragraph. Also inworld support group can help you: secondlife:///app/group/aa68563a-577b-e1c8-de7b-f5999a952ed1/about
  2. My advice is: make your animation as you know (within Qavimator or any other program as Poser or BlenderAvastar). When you done, import your animation into BVHacker and Scale Down (Edit -> Scale down) 1 time for Kid ToddleeDoo, 2 times for Baby ToddleeDoo. BVHacker is a freeware program for animation editing, perfect for secondlife. Good Luck ^^
  3. Not for feather one's in my own nest, but all mesh avatars proportions can be adjusted using some shape sliders (exemple arms and legs lenght, head size, body thickness and height, and some others). If you are tring a Demo shape, hands and feet may be enormous. I made my yabusaka baby smaller and chubbier, and my toddleedoo Kid close to Baby height. Also remember that all Tiny avatars uses reducer (mesh avatars too), justbe sure when you try them to relog after you worn everything or you may look deformed.
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