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Beathag McMahon

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Posts posted by Beathag McMahon

  1. 16 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Write down the slider numbers for the body part of your shape. You can modify another shape so you body will look the same. The head is more of a problem when using a mesh head. You'll need to start with a shape made for that brand of head, then adjust the shape little by little until it looks right to you. If you use a shape made for a system body or for another brand of mesh head, it's probably going to look very weird. Use a picture of your current face to help you adjust the new one.

    I've got a list of numbers, and have done that in the past.


    12 hours ago, Ze Helix said:

    . But starting with your old skin may help the transition.

    Switching to laraX and bom is easier. First, can turn BoM on your current maitreya body or switch to X and turn bom on there, you will just need to get a new skinnery bom body skin in your tone since the applier won't work. Lara X does come with Bom velour tones for free in the extras pack but I don't know if that will fit well with the face you want to use. When you switch to laraX you may want to make some minor shape adjutments or you may not but thats about it.

    I've got LaraX and flipped it to BOM. Since everyone is suggesting LeLutka, I think I will start by grabbing a new skin from Skinnery, and proceeding from there.

    17 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Amara Beauty has some really nice skins.. You might want to try there and see if there is anything you might like.

    I recently  used the Billie head from Lelutka and the Sio Skin from Amara beauty for an alt..

    This is what I ended up with and was really pleased with the results..

    This isn't one of lelutkas shapes, it's one of mine, but this is the billie head with the Amara beauty skin.

    I did a close up so you can get a look at the skin.. Don't mind the nose, the camera tends to make those bigger in real close up shots that I rush.. hehehe

    The shape, I tend to push the puffy cheeks a bit more with my shapes.. it's a habit of mine.. hehehe


    This is when I demoed the Billy head  in a different skin from just grabbing one from my shelf.. hehehe

    Still my shape with my puffy cheeks I use..  I would demo  a few of the Lelutka heads because it's not really hard to keep the cheeks in more for the shape you are looking for, where it's a bit more of a challenge going more puffy really.. they have over 40+ heads there.. I'm sure they have something there for you.  :)




    I'll check that Billie head. Thanks - this is what I was hoping for!

    Thanks for all the input!

    • Like 2
  2. I'd like some help in upgrading my appearance. I do not want to make a radical change.
    I currently use Lara 5.3 with a Skinnery skin in champagne, and a system head. I do not use BOM.
    I would like to move to Lara X, get a mesh head, and implement BOM.
    Here's my challenges.
    First, as you can see from the picture, my face is more pear-shaped than heart-shaped. Pear-shaped faces are in the minority. I do not want to change that.
    The Skinnery supports Catwa and LeLutka heads. I'm quite willing to move to another skin creator, but I don't want to radically change my skin tone any more than I want to change the shape of my face. Additionally, I do not want to look like I'm 18, which is so often the case.
    I have made some rather halfhearted efforts to find heads, but all of this is daunting - I just don't have the free time to devote to a big search - and, to be honest, I have no idea of where to start.
    Any tips would be greatly appreciated - and gratefully received.



  3. I would like to upgrade my membership. I have credit card info on file. When I go to the "change membership" page, the options are all gray-ed out. I thought that perhaps the credit card on file had expired, so I changed to a new one. Still no luck. I am sure that I am missing something; I am just not sure what it is.

    I just figured it out! I'd delete this, but don't see how, so never  mind. :)

  4. I'm in the market for a new skin. I thought I would ask here before I start shopping.

    I'm looking for a skin that looks like an Irish lass - fair (not goth pale), freckled, and goes with red hair. I currently wear blowpop's Elizabeth, which I love, but it is 3 years old. Any thoughts?

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