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Arctic Fall

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Posts posted by Arctic Fall

  1. I was really excited to get a new Linden home once more became available, but after browsing this forum I have to wonder if I'm the only person who actually likes banlines?

    The entire reason I became a premium subscriber was so I could have full security control over my home (without owning a costly private sim or dealing with a land lord). All the nice extra features of a Linden home are meaningless to me if the most important feature (banlines) are not allowed.

    I know banlines are obtrusive to residents who like to sail or drive around the grid and that many residents in Second Life simply don't care about having strangers in their home (or even like having them there), but to some people such as myself an intrusion (even one for a few seconds such as the 15 second delay on the Linden Homes Security System) can feel like a violation of my privacy.

    Maybe if there was more than one Linden Home continent available, one that allowed banlines for ultimate privacy and one that disallowed banlines and security for the ultimate driving and sailing experience all types of residents could be satisfied.

    However, as long as banlines are disallowed on Linden homes I think my spare land tier would be put to better use on more mainland where I can have all the banlines I like.

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