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Colette Meredith

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Posts posted by Colette Meredith

  1. 1 minute ago, Leora Jacobus said:

    Noone knows we can but guess and speculate. I would tend to this scenario:

    Sometimes in the very near future (I would guess Wednesday at 10:00 am SLT) they will start to releaese the first (say four) regions of Victorians ... as soon as they are consumed the next four and so on. They MAY also release all named ones at ONE BIG BULK ... In any case it will take at least 48 hours till they are all taken, maybe several days? a week? or even longer depending how many people like this style. You will be able to get one 24 hours a day for several days.

    Thanks very much :)

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  2. Qie, 

    Thank you so much for all the effort you put in troubleshooting! I only just saw your post on that, as I'd overlooked it before. I know the bookshop staircase is weird weird weird. Some days, I cannot walk from the top or bottom, some days only the bottom, yet I can hope over whatever hurdle is there which I cannot find. 

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  3. Hello, everyone, and thank you for your responses. Elise, thanks for that suggestion. I have checked because I suspected you were correct, but no, they are not convex hull. (Also, weirdly, the stairs at the other parcel are fine today but I have been unable to ascend or descend them the past several days.)

    Callum, thanks so much for having a look. I have not added materials to the door frame of the cottage, no. However, the problem began here after I unlinked the floor from the house in order to take a copy of it. Then, I changed the floor texture and relinked it to the house. The door was not involved, as it was never linked to the house to begin with; but, it's where the problem is so I must have stuffed up something.

    Qie, I agree with you but I cannot find anything that is Convex Hull. Weirdly, though nothing has changed with the stairway, I can walk up and down it just fine today! I will see if I can get the bounding box to work; if not, I guess I will have to rez a copy of the cottage and re-do all the mods I've made over time.

    Thanks again!

  4. Hello,

    I've been using SL for years (since 2009) and have had property in Blumfield since then. Recently, I've begun having a peculiar problem but, as it was initially only in one spot, I did not bother to ask for help. Also, it seems in that one spot to be intermittent. Now, it's popped up on another of my Blumfield parcels so I am hoping someone can advise me.

    Initially, I was unable to ascend stairs on one of my parcels (two different staircases, in two different builds). I checked to make sure there are no transparent blockages. There were not. This has occurred off and on now for months but had remained isolated to that one block of land. Now, it's happening on another parcel, where I cannot enter or exit via the door of the cottage. It's as if there were a transparent wall blocking me but there is nothing there that I can locate, either by making transparencies visible or by checking all my objects in Linksets to make sure there's nothing extra.

    I use the SL viewer, by the way, and have Nividia Ge Force  GTX 1060 6GB card (see system info attached). 

    Thanks very much to anyone who can help.


  5. Thank you for your response. I am aware that merchants do not have control of the Marketplace. However, I am also aware that those merchants who chose to place their items for sale via the Marketplace would prefer that the sales go through as intended, so that they get paid.

    From a customer perspective, I am happy to support good merchants and will continue to do so. I spend a fair amount of money on houses, furniture, clothing, landscaping, and various other items, and I gladly pay for fine quality products from intelligent designers with a good grasp on marrying design and function. Having said that, I do not wish to spend all of my time inworld shopping. I do some of that, but I like the convenience of the Marketplace, when it works properly.




  6. Hello and thank you for the feedback. My friend did not receive anything, nor did anyone else, which is why the money was refunded on each occasion (automatically, after the items failed to deliver within 8 hours). She was in two different regions, once on the mainland and once on a private island with me, in both cases, on land owned by me.

    I can and will send info to the Commerce team, but I thought you all might have heard about this, as I assume you are losing sales from it, which is unfair to you and frustrating for your customers.





    Hello Merchants,

    I thought you would be the best people to ask this question. Between 27 September and last night (which was 13 October here in Australia) I tried, repeatedly (four times, last count) to purchase gifts for a friend of mine inworld. I made sure she was on-line at the time, to receive them, and told her to look for some deliveries from the Marketplace. 

    All three items I selected were shoes, but from three different vendors. In every case, the deliveries failed and the Lindens were refunded, with this message "1 item failed with the error: Second Life communications timeout." It cannot be a timeout problem, generally, but must be specific to the Gift option. This I know because in two of these orders, the items I purchased for myself delivered just fine. Only the gifts failed. So, I tried then to complete a separate Gift order, but that failed, too.

    I finally got tired of trying, so I sent her the links to the items, and gave her the Lindens to purchase them (sort of fails in the surprise gift department). In future, I would like to be able to use this option for purchasing, and have it work correctly. Are you all aware of what's happening, and when it might be rectified?



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