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Destiny Dagostino

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Posts posted by Destiny Dagostino

  1. ive decided i want to film my fights and upload to youtube ... mostly because others are doing it to coroborate evidence via admin calls, so want to do same... i just wanted to know TOS if any on this.. i did read somewhere about having to make people aware beware filming but not sure, so im seeing if theres anything to say i can/cant somewhere

  2. ok so..been on sl for umm 8 years now and most things i can put up with..but one problem i thought had been solved has come back with a vengeance...missing attachments after tp

    I use singularity and to begin with i just assumed this was a part of being sl as most people seemed to have the problem that when they tp most if not all their attachments would just disappear..but then for a while it seemd to be fixed..even if sometimes you had to wait a few minutes for all to rezz completely or draw your camera out as far as you could and let it ping back to re rezz everything again. but for the past month or two ive gone right back to square one where even pulling cam out doesnt help and i either have to take off and put back attachments or to just relog..which is annoying as i can tp around a bit when shopping... i always add my attachments i dont wear.. i cant think of anything different ive done so im a bit fed up..anyone else having this or cured it?

  3. I have no option to add more than one mesh alpha. I cant for example wear a mesh pair of jeans and a mesh top. Ive tried just adding the top and for the most part it looks ok but when i move arms elbows stick out. Moving sliders does nothing to help. Im not using firestorm only the phoenix latest viewer with hardware skinning enabled.

  4. I personally like mesh even if it emans having to modify my av to get some pieces to fit. I love how it all moves with you and not in to you.

    Only thing I dont like is that I can only use one mesh item at a time. Is there something i'm missing or just not implemented yet? That is to use multiple mesh items. I can add regular attachments to my hearts content and would so love to be able to do same with mesh.

    Like I said I dunno if I missed something on the viewer or not so any help would be welcome ;)

  5. ive the same problem..think its the server maintenance thats causing it..i came in virtually naked with no attachments and even after a character test im still no further forward...

    announcements dont say anything about character changes only about in world services..

    my partner was noobed but he managed to get himself back ..but i cant..



  6. Id really like to know how you recognize something that is copybotted. when you click an item you get in my viewer (emergence) only able to see the creators profile and a couple other things to go by. most if not all legit creators have a store in their profile. I have noticed that on one particular person i know of that does not have full profiles on some items he is wearing, has the creator with nothing in the profile at all..its blank, and inded one of these so called creators is in fact his alt.

    problem really is how do you track down the original maker? i kind of recognize the style of clothing but for proof how easy is it to find out?..and if indeed i should try and find the original creator or AR him or just let him do what he wants. part of me wants to get some justice for the original creator but another part just says mind your own business.

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