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Jasmine Princess

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Posts posted by Jasmine Princess




               Join us LIVE - Every Saturday from 6pm SLT for your aural pleasure.


    * Have you got a sexual question you would like answered, live on air and completely anonamous? 

    * Want a specific topic covered to hear our honest, uncensored and possibly funny thoughts on it? 

    * Want to get involved in the discussion and possibly have a guest spot on the show?

    * Want to help Tease finally get that heavenly **bleep** she's been craving?


    Contact 'TlTS'  - Jasmine Princess or 'Tease' - Vivalatease Resident in world!





  2. Exactly Viva. 

    These days, Second Life is all about money. It was refreshing for me to find a place I could hang out with great people who shared my passion for music and wasn't all about the greed of a few measly L$. I can now call these people my friends and team. SharkTooth Beach is a great place for those who enjoy a wide variety of music, with DJ's who encorage you to requests the songs YOU want to hear without the added preassure of feeling you HAVE to tip, ofcourse it's nice when people do, but none of the team expect it, we just enjoy bringing music from all over the world to one place. 

    If you are a person who loves feeling valued, wants to make a great group of friends, have an awesome hangout, loves music and maybe would like to share your favourite - come check the place out. Rome wasn't built in a day, a sim can be... but a great, like-minded community takes time... MUSIC LOVERS UNITE!

  3. I love this SharkTooth!

    When I came back to SL, I found that all of my usual hangouts had vanished. I was twiddling my thumbs when I saw an advert for this place, I decided to check it out..... I loved this place so much that I now rent a store space, help out with hosting, mentor new hosts and I am even learning to DJ! SharkTooth has opened up doors I thought had closed and is even opening up new ones for me. 

    If you are looking for a reasonably priced store, a place to sell your gacha, somewhere to hang out or even a job, come check this place out. It could change your SL, it changed mine and I couldn't be happier!

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