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Kitsune Lassiter

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Posts posted by Kitsune Lassiter

  1. while I do understand the confusion on the new TOS and I hear the problems that are being raised by our friends in europe...you need to keep in mind that the changes were made for a reason.  I have actually been following issues to do with Bitcoin that I suspect prompted the changes in the TOS along with new regulations that others have mentioned:


    Before panicking and screaming that the world is coming to an end....please...check out the news and see what is going on.

    I do agree that this does put us business owners in a pickle when it comes to getting our money in and out of SL....but I think if we stap back and think...we might come up with some solutions that will benefit us rather than being rash and cashing out our chips because of  a change we  nor Linden Labs can control.

    PS I have been following this because I have considered my own grid with offering money exchange.  It is good to know the regulations before getting neck deep in it. :matte-motes-asleep-2:

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