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theypvp Wassep

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Posts posted by theypvp Wassep

  1. Hello! Come visit Careloft for affordable land, on a private full sim. On SecondLife's brand new Amazon servers, there's not a drop of lag, and you are free to use your parcel how you want to, commercial or residential, all up to you! Full land rights, with ability to deed, etc. and terraforming. If you have any requests for a special parcel size, feel free to contact myself or Owen Wassep (twiztidtragedy resident). Beautiful ocean surrounding the sim with a luscious sim surround and the land lords are super friendly, willing to work with you on anything you need that is possible within reason. We use the CasperLet system to ensure that you can pay your rent easily and we have a rental office for all renters, so that we don't rob you of any of your hard earned prims! We currently offer these size of lots, but again, you can contact us for custom sizes.

    • 1024m (32x32) - 468 prims  = 468L$ per week
    • 2048m (32x64) - 937 prims = 937L$ per week
    • 4096m (64x64) - 1875 prims = 1875L$ per week
    • Skyboxes are coming soon! (If you want one just ask and we will try to get it set up ASAP)
    • Any custom size(s) L$=1Li (1 prim= 1L$)

    We are very friendly and offer a discount when paying 4 weeks at a time, you will get 10% back on your payment. Look forward to seeing you in-world! I've attached some pictures of the lots as well as how the sim looks, come and take a look :) 


    Screenshot 2021-05-30 204805.png

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