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Korwyn Obscure

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Posts posted by Korwyn Obscure

  1. Correct comments: this is a .png file, thus windows will try to open it in the default image viewer. It is true that some image files can contain a payload... .png don't have much room for a payload in the compression. 


    incorrect: image payloads are not the reason why many email programs don't automatically load them. the issue there is images in emails in html mode can be loaded from the web, thus alerting the sender of the email that someone viewed their email, cause the image was downloaded. Thus they then would know your ip address. 

    the message going around says that Avast detects it... Avast has NOTHING on their website about it.


    But, basic internet security here.

    Don't open attachments from anyone in skype unless they're sending you a file you're expecting, and you scan it before opening it.






  2. I have a few projects I've been working on but due to some issues with RL time and work need to see if I can find some help. I can give a few details here, but more info can be shared to those interested.

    the first project is simpler then the second one.

    Looking for someone who could consider profit sharing and such at start, but we can negotiate of course if the right person is interested.

    project basics:

    *roleplay enhancement hud (non-combat)

    *communication with outside database & website


    I have the domain, website space, database and everything already. Just need someone to help get the coding done and help take it through testing. when done I will also take it through the marketing and such. Just need code.

    everything else of course can be discussed.

    send notecard please,  as my im's get capped after a few hours.


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