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Tiff Aristocrat

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Posts posted by Tiff Aristocrat

  1. Not interested in creating trouble, just wanted one on my sim for Halloween.  I know at one time a long time ago they were available full perm, but I cannot find one anywhere.  Please contact me if you have access to one or if you know where I can find one.  I am NOT interested in the shoulder one.

  2. destinations62013.jpg

    If you want a LAG FREE, bot free popular beach, try Paradise Sex Beach.  Its an adult sim so you need to be18, age verified and LOOK18.  All are welcome as long as you treat others with respect, furries, animals, beasts, gay, lesbian, bisexual etc.   Its a FREE friendly beach / sex club.




    Hot tub Greedy, Jet Boat Racing, Windsurfing, Sailing, jet skiing and bull riding are just some of the other activities on the sim.  Romantic dancing in the clouds, under the water (hold your breath) or right on the beach.


    Dancing to sex anywhere on the beach with the sex intan.  No need to switch balls.  Some of the newest and highest quality animations in sl are here including the newest Warm Animations Beds, Sweet Animations, Prime Beds, TNT, Beachcombers, ReAct,, The BeachStore, Tenderlove and more.


    Want a romantic horse ride along the beach just as the sun is setting?  Ride your personal horses (attach) along the shore or get your adrenaline going and try your skills at jet boat racing (provided) to see if you can beat the highest scores.  Swim ball rezzer at the swim beach for those of you that are athletic types!!!


    Sex is NOT required to be here. 


    Something for everyone!!!


    A tropical island, naturist, nude beach, so nude or swimwear is recommended.


    The hard part is getting in as its almost always full, so keep clicking to teleport as people come and go quickly.  The easiest time to get in is around 8 - 10 pm slt.


    Common sense rules are available when you land.


    Been in business almost 3 years and going strong, not like other beaches that come and go quickly.



  3. destinations62013.jpg

    If you want a LAG FREE, bot free popular beach, try Paradise Sex Beach.  Its an adult sim so you need to be18, age verified and LOOK18.  All are welcome as long as you treat others with respect, furries, animals, beasts, gay, lesbian, bisexual etc.   Its a FREE friendly beach / sex club.




    Hot tub Greedy, Jet Boat Racing, Windsurfing, Sailing, jet skiing and bull riding are just some of the other activities on the sim.  Romantic dancing in the clouds, under the water (hold your breath) or right on the beach.


    Dancing to sex anywhere on the beach with the sex intan.  No need to switch balls.  Some of the newest and highest quality animations in sl are here including the newest Warm Animations Beds, Sweet Animations, Prime Beds, TNT, Beachcombers, ReAct,, The BeachStore, Tenderlove and more.


    Want a romantic horse ride along the beach just as the sun is setting?  Ride your personal horses (attach) along the shore or get your adrenaline going and try your skills at jet boat racing (provided) to see if you can beat the highest scores.  Swim ball rezzer at the swim beach for those of you that are athletic types!!!


    Sex is NOT required to be here. 


    Something for everyone!!!


    A tropical island, naturist, nude beach, so nude or swimwear is recommended.


    The hard part is getting in as its almost always full, so keep clicking to teleport as people come and go quickly.  The easiest time to get in is around 8 - 10 pm slt.


    Common sense rules are available when you land.


    Been in business almost 3 years and going strong, not like other beaches that come and go quickly.



  4. As a business owner I have several hundred on my f friends list but I really dont care when most of them go on or offline.  Because of that and the stupid blue box that comes up on my screen everytime an avatar goes on or offline (which is very distracting when im creating and building) i turned linden labs feature of online friends OFF.  I do care however when a handful of people are online, so that it was i use avatar online for  .  . . it only tells me the people that I want to know are online.


    As for MY online status .  . .  I dont give a rats *&%^ who knows if I'm online or offline.  No one can track where I am.  My feeling all of this is just because linden labs are too inept at building viewers and others have come along and built better ones.  Its the 3rd party viewers that linden labs is targeting and this is the fallout from that.  Get your heads outta your A*&%$'s linden labs and build better a better viewer instead of all this other nonsense.


    When I owned an SL club my employees were always worried about the competition and what they were doing.  I said look . . you can waste your time and energy on things that you have no control over and really dont matter, or you can concentrate on growing THIS businesses into something that you would be proud of.  Concentrate also on improving yourself to be the best you can be.  I grew the business into one of the biggest clubs in SL.  There is your lesson linden labs.

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