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Matheus Gleeson

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Posts posted by Matheus Gleeson

  1. I have tried the Mesh viewer.  I know it's supposed to make SL such a beautiful experience.  I know it's supposed to make everything look so much better.  We're supposed to have so much more fun! with this viewer.  However...

    I downloaded the viewer.  I installed it.  I left it at the recommended settings.  I got a framerate that just cannot be made better!  I downgraded most of the options in the graphics settings, and it was still  a horrible experience, just because of framerate!

    LL, I know you're trying to make things better, but sometimes it seems like you're creating a viewer by committee.  We need something that can run on our computers, and still look good; if we had viewer 1.8 today, we'd have a beautiful experience.  Unfortunately, we have viewers that require a Dreamworks mainframe to run as they're intended.  Please, instead of adding anything else... Could you, please, just fix it so it'll run on the average computer?

    And yes, the average computer would be the mid-priced computer from Wal-mart or Staples for most of your residents.

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