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Reign Malik

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Posts posted by Reign Malik

  1. "Fixing" avies is a passion of mine, and truly, the skin makes or breaks the avie's appearce.  You can have a less-than-perfect shape and make it look fab with the right skin.

    Not to discount the importance of shapes.  (That's where you do the "fine tuning".)

    And remember, when looking for skin:

    1. If you're trying on the demo in the store, wear as little clothes as possible so you can see the entire skin.  (Be respectful of the stores maturity rating!) 

    If you collect a few demos and go home to try them on, get naked.  You'd be surprised at how many skins have great faces and the body (shading, nipples, etc.) are horrible.

    2.  Pay attention to the way the skin has been painted:  the brows, the colour/lines of the lips, the shading of the cheeks, makeup options for F and facial hair for M...  And remember, unless you have the exact shape of the model in the pictures on the walls in the store, your skin will look different on you than the advert.  (I have the same skin as one of my mates on SL and we completely different b/c of our shapes.)

    3.  Lastly, buy only MODABLE shapes.  Most are, but be mindful of the editing rights when you buy.  And a quick tip for adjusting the avie?  Get in edit mode, and if you don't know what the feature is, drag it to the extreme left and right.  It will show you how lowering/raising the number will effect you avie.  Best to start at "50" on most everything (a few exceptions, but they'll be easy to spot).  Then adjust up/down to suit your preference.

    That's it, really.  Just remember: get a great skin and a modable shape.  The rest will fall into place. =)

    Best of luck!!

    Reign Malik

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