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Kohaku Owatatsumi

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Posts posted by Kohaku Owatatsumi

  1. This entire situation...

    I will speak clearly and frankly of my mind and observation.

    This is another step in the wrong direction - we have a tremendous and diverse community that all visits SL, that works with the capabilities of it, and has for many years now.

    Just black-boxing Second Life like this will end the community's ability to work with LL - and it is my observation that the team developing the viewer is NOT the team USING the viewer.

    This is foolishness!

    And there are a lot of things that can still be done, so many troubles and quirks that we can solve, together!

    So, the latest answer is to just close down JIRA? Why? Webspace? Nothing good coming of actually fixing problems - and I don't just mean hippos, I mean REAL troubles. Exploits. Weak spots. Showstopping problems.

    Turning your back on the thousands of capable eyes and hands and hearts that can and do work with Second Life every day, combing it finely - is the very height of foolishness. This move goes way past just sticking your head in the sand.

    This is black-boxing the software. This is... closing the place up for development - let's see what the open-source licenses say about that.

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