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qwerty Qork

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Posts posted by qwerty Qork

  1. Hello,
     please let me
    try and let you see with my words how much SL ( Second Life) means to
    me, or how the VKC animal's have brought a love into my Second Life.

    My journey began when I met this wonderful lady named, Peg Nightfire.
    She invited me to her home, and it was here I fell in love with her
    and the VKC (Virtual Kennel Club), animals. As we sat there swinging on a swinging seat, the
    dogs would be like, "What's over here" in their own lil mind... Yes,
    their Mind...

    I am now a proven trainer to help other's to be able to talk to their
    SL VKC animal. If spoke to in the right way, the animals will become
    alive!!! In active mode they choose what they want to do and then do
    it on their own, but much like real life pets we can make them obey,
    or teach them tricks. It is inspiring when I am helping a patron of
    the VKC and they finally understand how special these pets are.
    I have been active with these animals since I was four months old in
    SL, and I have been around a lot of these pets as well. I personally
    own over 20 here in SL, and if I were to Rezz them all, they would all
    do different things at times and some things at the same time, you
    never know for sure what they will do next... unless of course you
    command them.
    chrismas 2013.png
    I never would have met these animals if it had not been for SL... I am
    almost six years old now in SL and I still find amazing things almost
    every day. I could go on and on about how amazing SL is, it is Second
    Life and I live it and enjoy it... oop's real life is calling me... I hope I see ya around.

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