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Miri Moonwing

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Posts posted by Miri Moonwing

  1. I have several requirements.  Land must be residential/commercial, ADULT, and I will need EM rights to terraform, etc.  I also expect the full 7500 prim allowance (1/2 of 15,000) and need full use of the sky area.  Basically, I want to be able to do all the things I do now with my curent full sim but downsize to 1/2 the space and tier.  I would like to move by the end of March.  If you have something available, please contact Miri Moonwing via note card in world.  Thank you!

  2. As a medieval role play sim owner with a small marketplace, i have been using affiliate vendors to earn a few L$ here and there for the past 2 years. This not only helps me pay tier, but also allows me to offer products of specific interest to my residents and visitors.   I know my players shop at our market first, because they want to help support the sim.  Also, many visitors ask where to get appropriate clothing, etc, and i am always happy to direct them to the on sim market. 

    What i have noticed recently however, is that there are fewer and fewer vendors to choose from.  I am puzzled by this.  I would think that merchants would see the benefit of having their items offered in a setting where they would most likely be needed and used.  In my case, medieval style clothing and silks are very good sellers, but also furniture and artwork and other items for decorating the cottages we rent out  I can understand why creators are sticking to their main stores and not renting out shop spaces as they might have in the past, but an affiliate vendor has no cost except for the commission when a sale is made, which seems a win-win to me.  So, the question is, why don't more merchants offer the affiliate option?  Am i missing some piece of the puzzle? 

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