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Veronica Larkspur

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Posts posted by Veronica Larkspur

  1. Thanks Dora. I'll check that thread out as well. It seems like the only solution that will work across all viewers is to create an alpha layer.

    Editted to add:  Dora, the alpha layers work great for the pumps.  There are still some artifacts from a distance, and I may tweek the alpha mask a bit more to try to fix that.   I can see that it will be difficult to get the Alpha layer correct for some of my sandals. 

    Everyone, thank you so much!  I've learned a lot from my simple question.  Hugs to all

  2. Amethyst,

      Thank you.  Let me make certain I understand. 

    1. For mesh enabled viewers, I will need an alpha mask.
    2. Invisiprims, which work on the older viewers no longer work on these viewers ... It sounds as if in some cases, the invisiprims are built into the shoe.  Is that correct?  If so, do I need to delete them from the shoe itself (if the shoe is mod)?
    3. Unless I intend to go back to a viewer that is not mesh enabled, I may as well delete all of the invisiprims I've got.  Is there any reason I would want to use a viewer that is not mesh enabled?

    Since these shoes were free, I will take a look at the market place. Thanks so much.

  3. I've been trying on new shoes, and I've noticed a weird error.  The shoes are prims, and are worn with a foot shaper.  When I look at the heel of the shoe, there appears to be a flesh colored wedge surrounding the heel. 




    I've downloaded the Phoenix Viewer and the problem vanishes.  Unfortunately, with the Phoenix viewer, I don't seem to be able to use the "add" function in the inventory.  I'd like to figure out what is going on with the Linden Labs SL viewer.  I'm wondering if I have inadvertantly changed some setting.  I don't remember the heels looking like this before.  Can anyone explain what is going on here?

  4. Tiffy Vella wrote:

    Solar Legion wrote:

    No - 
    do not have any "Civic Duty".

    For crying out loud .... Not a single person posting here is a "tesident" of Second Life - not a single person here actually "lives" in Second Life (no, I'm not going to get into some 'debate' over immersion or any other variation - you 
    do not
    live inside the coimputer program, period).

    Our only concerns should be following the ToS, making sure our tier is paid, account subscriptions are paid and that we manage to have a good time.

    That is

    Oooh Solar, I beg to differ with you. You are right in that we do not strictly speaking live and breathe the air in second life, but we do live, if we choose, in a community, and responsible community members know that how we behave rubs off on our neighbours.

    You may choose to obey the TOS and no more, but even that attitude has an effect, in the long run, on how we all inter-relate, or not.

    The civic duty we have in SL is exactly the same as the one we have in RL. I think we should play nice in both.

    And thanks for not getting into the immersion debate, lol. Yep we've all had that a few times



    also, dresden...great word...i'm nicking it when I can work out the pronounciation

    Tiffy, while I agree with the sense of what you are saying, I would put it a little differently. I wouldn't argue that any of us lives in a digital space. I would say that when we participate in this community, we interact through a digital media. The fact that the media is digital does not negate the existence of a communal experience.

    As I have stated earlier, I have not been here very long, but I expect that this community, like every other, has both written and unwritten behavioral norms. In other words, the TOS, "play nice" and "treat others the way you would like to be treated" etc (and other ligniappe :-) ) . From what I've read about blocking and such, the behavioral norms are understood and supported by individuals across the community.

    On another note, I prefer to consider the community as a network of contributors rather than users as Solar has suggested. To me, the term users has a connotation that does not reflect community at all, but rather the antithesis of community.

  5. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    The way I see it... the only responsibilities I have as a resident of SL is to pay my tier and abide by the TOS.  Anything else is lagniappe.


    I'm pretty new here at second life, but Dres' comment rings true for me. Having said that, it seems to me that the "little extra's" ,unexpected and freely given, go a long way toward creating community. I've received my share of help when I needed it, and happily pass on what little knowledge I have to someone in need. I don't believe a sense of responsibility is involved, but a sense of community might be. I'd have to think about that a little more. The truth is, I've not really given too much thought into why I might help someone ... It just feels right, so I do it.

    BTW Dres ... Thank you for a new word .. lagniappe ... I love it!

  6. I'm relatively new here and hadn't thought of wearing the UV template to see how it fits a body. I'm not certain how long it would have taken me to figure that gem out. Thank you for posting it,


    The Robin Wood site has a lot of wonderful things in it, and she really helped me understand the alpha layer. In addition to the material discussed above, she also has modified UV templates for download. They can be found here:





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