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Judie Zenovka

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Posts posted by Judie Zenovka

  1. > So I used to dance and I currently model. Unfortuanately that leaves me no room for meeting people who arent stuck in

    > the gutter 100 percent. I would like to meet more people who have a great sense of HUMOR because I feel like I am >being  sucked dry...and not in a good way.. PLEASE HELP!

    Hmm, depending on what your looking for, I have a place that you might like to check out, it does have it's share of funny people (read naughty...), not to mention a house full of cages, traps and well, naughty people...

      Ohh, I don't know how to do SLUrl's, but you can search for it, open search and look for "Judie's Place", you might even meet me down there...



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