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Madison Casanova

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Posts posted by Madison Casanova

  1. Need PR Person 

    I need a person that is very good in Public Relations.. A person that can write a News Release on current events happening.  A person that can make connections with  Fashion Blogs etc... Bottom line I need a person that can get the word out  on a  Opening of a new Fashion Sim.. You can contact me in world: Madison Casanova and please let me know who you are and state the business at hand :  or email me: madison.blanc@gmail.com 


    Thank you 





  2. I am new here and was unable to post in the area of the link you posted .. However posting here at least gave me an answer .. Now do I contact the lindens and see if they are able to allow me to post on http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment .. I have also heard that instead of being a funny person that you ask questions to find out if there was a problem Thanks

  3. Need PR Person 

    I need a person that is very good in Public Relations.. A person that can write a News Release on events happening.  A person that can make connections with  Fashion Blogs etc... Bottom line I need a person that can get the word out  on a  Opening of a new Fashion Sim.. You can contact me in world: Madison Casanova 

  4. TOP MODELS OPEN CALL:womanvery-happy:

    Top Models is back ... Do you look photogenic or even telegenic?, Do you consider yourself as someone with excellent fashion sense,if so, you might just have what it takes to become a

                                                                      TOP MODEL!
    TOP MODELS will conduct an OPEN CALL Sunday Feb 18, 2012 at 2:00 PM SLT
    Location: Sim ICONIC http://slurl.com/secondlife/ICONIC/44/28/22
    Or contact : Madison Casanova in World for more info:womanvery-happy:

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