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Raven Kumaki

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Posts posted by Raven Kumaki

  1. A few things I do/have done to tidy up:

    * Delete hair sizes I do not use

    *Delete "give contents" scripts and hovering text scripts

    *Delete out of date notecards

    *Delete old ads sent from vendors I buy from

    *Delete duplicate items

    *Delete out of date landmarks

    *Box up things I might need later on but have no use for now

    *Delete gestures I do not use

    *Delete animations/AOs I do not use

    *Delete old freebies that I thought were super cool when I first joined but are embarrassing in retrospect

    *Delete any textures that are not full perms

    *Empty Lost & Found folder

    *Empty trash folder


    Hope that helps.


  2. I'm looking for a set of highlights and shadows for female abdominal muscles to use as an add-on for a project I'm working on.  I'm specifically looking for a psd which includes:

                 *highlights and shadows on  separate layers

                 * a high "liquid" shine, or different levels of shine

                 * a long lower (jacket layer) extension

                 * something that doesn't look like male abs slapped onto a female template


    If interested please reply to ravenkumaki@gmail.com or send me a private message with pricing info and time frame needed.




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