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Valen Planer

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Posts posted by Valen Planer

  1. I've actually already read that article and it doesn't give me any useful information. I tried the usual suggestions like it makes (unplug router, etc) but it's made no difference. I've also opened the additional ports listed but no luck.

    The tracerouts i've  run seem to indiciate the problem isn't with my computer or router, as mentioned in the original post.


    Also, I have to remote desktop to another computer 12 hours away to be able to access the SL forums. They won't load on my computer, but just give me a loading bar.

  2. We've just moved to Canada and I can log into SL but can't see names, avatars, or many other things after logging in. 

    See the following traceroute and more info after:

    Last login: Thu Jul 12 21:44:25 on console
    trThomass-iMac:~ Smoo$ traceroute
    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
    1 ( 3.993 ms 1.877 ms 1.810 ms
    2 ( 15.128 ms 9.982 ms 10.194 ms
    3 ( 15.565 ms 32.967 ms 38.877 ms
    4 24-52-255-90.cable.teksavvy.com ( 9.680 ms
    24-52-255-26.cable.teksavvy.com ( 10.543 ms
    24-52-255-90.cable.teksavvy.com ( 14.664 ms
    5 24-52-255-89.cable.teksavvy.com ( 16.014 ms 13.479 ms 16.785 ms
    6 tge6-1.fr3.yyz.llnw.net ( 13.418 ms 14.286 ms 23.101 ms
    7 ve5.fr4.yyz.llnw.net ( 23.133 ms 23.173 ms 16.123 ms
    8 tge22-4.fr3.ord.llnw.net ( 40.321 ms 36.842 ms 41.313 ms
    9 mpr1.ord7.us ( 35.319 ms 33.393 ms 33.670 ms
    10 xe-1-3-0.cr1.ord2.us.above.net ( 33.098 ms 34.089 ms 33.519 ms
    11 xe-3-0-0.cr1.lga5.us.above.net ( 45.446 ms 44.037 ms 45.987 ms
    12 xe-0-0-0.cr2.lga5.us.above.net ( 44.493 ms 45.424 ms 43.179 ms
    13 xe-2-2-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net ( 67.906 ms 48.740 ms 50.203 ms
    14 xe-0-0-0.mpr1.iad6.us.above.net ( 50.557 ms 51.008 ms 51.575 ms
    15 ( 51.682 ms 49.547 ms 50.625 ms
    16 * * *


    I was able to run a traceroute from another point in Canada using tera-byte.com/cgi-cin/nph-trace? and it had the same issues. This seems to clear our computers, router, and ISP as being the cause, and our own ISP also verified this via tech support. They told us to contact LL and LL told us to call the ISP, so this leaves me unable to use SL anymore with no one offering any help.


    Does anyone have any input that can help me resolve this? Thanks in advance!

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